Java SIG members prepared a plan to simplify dependency chains in Java land a bit. One of the first goals is to simplify Maven itself. To do that we need to fully move all Fedora-specific things out of maven
and into maven-local
Scripts used to build RPM packages (mvn-rpmbuild, mvn-local) are already moved, and now we need to move packages that have BuildRequires: maven
so that they have BuildRequires: maven-local
. This will be done automatically by a slightly modified mass-rebuild script from release engineering.
Packages that currently BuildRequire Maven:
Package name | Status |
XmlSchema | |
activeio | |
activemq-protobuf | |
aether | |
android-opengl-api | |
animal-sniffer | |
annox | |
antlr-maven-plugin | |
antlr3 | |
apache-commons-beanutils | |
apache-commons-chain | |
apache-commons-collections | |
apache-commons-dbcp | |
apache-commons-javaflow | |
apache-commons-jci | |
apache-commons-jexl | |
apache-commons-jxpath | |
apache-commons-lang3 | |
apache-commons-logging | |
apache-commons-math | |
apache-commons-ognl | |
apache-commons-parent | |
apache-commons-validator | |
apache-commons-vfs | |
apache-mina | |
apache-parent | |
apache-rat | |
apache-scout | |
apache-sshd | |
apacheds | |
apacheds-ldap-client | |
apacheds-shared | |
apiviz | |
apt-maven-plugin | |
aqute-bndlib | |
args4j | |
aries-blueprint | |
aries-proxy | |
aries-quiesce | |
aries-util | |
arquillian-core | |
arquillian-osgi | |
async-http-client | |
atinject | |
avro | |
axiom | |
axis2 | |
base64coder | |
bean-validation-api | |
buildnumber-maven-plugin | |
cal10n | |
cargo-parent | |
cargo-resources | |
castor | |
cdi-api | |
classmate | |
clojure | |
clojure-contrib | |
clojure-maven-plugin | |
codemodel | |
cxf | |
cxf-build-utils | |
cxf-xjc-utils | |
dcm4che-test | |
directory-project | |
easymock3 | |
eclipse-cdt | |
eclipse-dltk | |
eclipse-fedorapackager | |
eclipse-jbosstools | |
eclipse-m2e-core | |
eclipse-mylyn | |
ehcache-core | |
fasterxml-oss-parent | |
felix-bundlerepository | |
felix-configadmin | |
felix-framework | |
felix-gogo-command | |
felix-gogo-parent | |
felix-gogo-runtime | |
felix-gogo-shell | |
felix-osgi-compendium | |
felix-osgi-obr | |
felix-osgi-obr-resolver | |
felix-parent | |
felix-shell | |
felix-utils | |
fest-assert | |
fest-common | |
fest-reflect | |
fest-swing | |
fest-swing-junit | |
fest-test | |
fest-util | |
fusesource-pom | |
geronimo-annotation | |
geronimo-commonj | |
geronimo-jaxrpc | |
geronimo-osgi-support | |
geronimo-saaj | |
geronimo-validation | |
glassfish-dtd-parser | |
glassfish-fastinfoset | |
glassfish-jaxb-api | |
glassfish-jsp | |
glassfish-jsp-api | |
glassfish-saaj | |
gluegen2 | |
gmaven | |
gmetrics | |
gooddata-cl | |
google-gson | |
google-guice | |
gradle | |
gshell | |
guava | |
guessencoding | |
hawtbuf | |
hawtjni | |
hibernate-commons-annotations | |
hibernate-jpa-2.0-api | |
hibernate-jpamodelgen | |
hibernate-validator | |
hibernate3 | |
htmlunit | |
infinispan | |
ini4j | |
invokebinder | |
ironjacamar | |
istack-commons | |
jackrabbit | |
jandex | |
janino | |
janino-parent | |
jansi | |
jansi-native | |
jarjar | |
jasypt | |
java-oauth | |
java-uuid-generator | |
javacc-maven-plugin | |
javamail | |
javaparser | |
javassist | |
jaxb2-common-basics | |
jaxws-jboss-httpserver-httpspi | |
jbosgi-deployment | |
jbosgi-framework | |
jbosgi-metadata | |
jbosgi-parent | |
jbosgi-repository | |
jbosgi-resolver | |
jbosgi-resolver1 | |
jbosgi-spi | |
jbosgi-vfs | |
jboss-annotations-1.1-api | |
jboss-as | |
jboss-classfilewriter | |
jboss-classpool-scoped | |
jboss-common-core | |
jboss-connector-1.6-api | |
jboss-dmr | |
jboss-ejb-3.1-api | |
jboss-ejb-client | |
jboss-ejb3-ext-api | |
jboss-el-2.2-api | |
jboss-httpserver | |
jboss-iiop-client | |
jboss-interceptor | |
jboss-interceptors-1.1-api | |
jboss-invocation | |
jboss-j2eemgmt-1.1-api | |
jboss-jacc-1.4-api | |
jboss-jad-1.2-api | |
jboss-jaspi-1.0-api | |
jboss-jaxb-2.2-api | |
jboss-jaxb-intros | |
jboss-jaxr-1.0-api | |
jboss-jaxrpc-1.1-api | |
jboss-jaxrs-1.1-api | |
jboss-jaxws-2.2-api | |
jboss-jms-1.1-api | |
jboss-jsf-2.1-api | |
jboss-jsp-2.2-api | |
jboss-jstl-1.2-api | |
jboss-logging | |
jboss-logging-tools | |
jboss-logmanager | |
jboss-logmanager-log4j | |
jboss-marshalling | |
jboss-metadata | |
jboss-modules | |
jboss-msc | |
jboss-naming | |
jboss-negotiation | |
jboss-parent | |
jboss-reflect | |
jboss-remote-naming | |
jboss-remoting | |
jboss-remoting-jmx | |
jboss-rmi-1.0-api | |
jboss-saaj-1.3-api | |
jboss-sasl | |
jboss-servlet-3.0-api | |
jboss-stdio | |
jboss-threads | |
jboss-transaction-1.1-api | |
jboss-transaction-spi | |
jboss-vfs | |
jbosscache-core | |
jbosscache-support | |
jbossws-api | |
jbossws-common | |
jbossws-common-tools | |
jbossws-cxf | |
jbossws-native | |
jbossws-parent | |
jbossws-spi | |
jbossxb | |
jchardet | |
jcodings | |
jdependency | |
jena | |
jena-iri | |
jettison | |
jetty | |
jetty-artifact-remote-resources | |
jetty-assembly-descriptors | |
jetty-build-support | |
jetty-distribution-remote-resources | |
jetty-parent | |
jetty-test-policy | |
jetty-toolchain | |
jetty-version-maven-plugin | |
jglobus | |
jgoodies-common | |
jgoodies-forms | |
jgoodies-looks | |
jgroups | |
jgroups212 | |
jline | |
jline2 | |
joda-convert | |
joda-time | |
jogl2 | |
jopt-simple | |
jpf | |
jra | |
jrosetta | |
jsilver | |
json_simple | |
jsoup | |
jsr-305 | |
jsr-311 | |
jtype | |
jul-to-slf4j-stub | |
jutils | |
jzlib | |
keytool-maven-plugin | |
leiningen | |
littleproxy | |
maven-anno-plugin | |
maven-ant-plugin | |
maven-antrun-plugin | |
maven-archetype | |
maven-archiver | |
maven-artifact-resolver | |
maven-assembly-plugin | |
maven-changelog-plugin | |
maven-changes-plugin | |
maven-checkstyle-plugin | |
maven-clean-plugin | |
maven-common-artifact-filters | |
maven-compiler-plugin | |
maven-dependency-analyzer | |
maven-deploy-plugin | |
maven-docck-plugin | |
maven-doxia-sitetools | |
maven-doxia-tools | |
maven-ear-plugin | |
maven-eclipse-plugin | |
maven-ejb-plugin | |
maven-enforcer | |
maven-file-management | |
maven-filtering | |
maven-gpg-plugin | |
maven-help-plugin | |
maven-idea-plugin | |
maven-indexer | |
maven-injection-plugin | |
maven-install-plugin | |
maven-invoker | |
maven-invoker-plugin | |
maven-jar-plugin | |
maven-javadoc-plugin | |
maven-jaxb2-plugin | |
maven-jxr | |
maven-license-plugin | |
maven-patch-plugin | |
maven-plugin-build-helper | |
maven-plugin-bundle | |
maven-plugin-cobertura | |
maven-plugin-testing | |
maven-plugin-tools | |
maven-pmd-plugin | |
maven-processor-plugin | |
maven-rar-plugin | |
maven-release | |
maven-remote-resources-plugin | |
maven-reporting-api | |
maven-reporting-exec | |
maven-reporting-impl | |
maven-repository-plugin | |
maven-resources-plugin | |
maven-scm | |
maven-script-interpreter | |
maven-shade-plugin | |
maven-shared | |
maven-shared-io | |
maven-shared-utils | |
maven-skins | |
maven-stage-plugin | |
maven-timestamp-plugin | |
maven-toolchains-plugin | |
maven-verifier-plugin | |
maven-wagon | |
maven-wagon-ahc | |
maven-war-plugin | |
maven2 | |
mckoi | |
mercury | |
mimepull | |
mod_cluster | |
modello | |
mojarra | |
mojo-signatures | |
mule | |
mvel | |
native2ascii-maven-plugin | |
neethi | |
netty31 | |
objenesis | |
openjpa | |
opensaml-java | |
opensaml-java-openws | |
opensaml-java-parent | |
opensaml-java-xmltooling | |
ovirt-engine | |
owasp-esapi-java | |
paranamer | |
parboiled | |
pax-logging | |
pcfi | |
pdfbox | |
pegdown | |
picketbox | |
picketbox-commons | |
picketbox-xacml | |
plexus-active-collections | |
plexus-archiver | |
plexus-build-api | |
plexus-cipher | |
plexus-classworlds | |
plexus-cli | |
plexus-component-api | |
plexus-container-default | |
plexus-containers | |
plexus-i18n | |
plexus-interactivity | |
plexus-pom | |
plexus-sec-dispatcher | |
plexus-utils | |
plexus-velocity | |
port-allocator-maven-plugin | |
portals-pom | |
portlet-2.0-api | |
powermock | |
properties-maven-plugin | |
protobuf | |
qdox | |
quartz | |
resteasy | |
rhq-plugin-annotations | |
rmic-maven-plugin | |
rngom | |
scannotation | |
schlichtherle-oss-parent | |
seam-conversation | |
seam-parent | |
seam-solder | |
serp | |
shrinkwrap | |
shrinkwrap-descriptors | |
shrinkwrap-resolver | |
slf4j-jboss-logmanager | |
snakeyaml | |
snappy-java | |
sonatype-forge-parent | |
sonatype-gossip | |
spice-parent | |
spin | |
spring-ldap | |
springframework | |
sshj | |
stax-ex | |
stax2-api | |
staxmapper | |
struts | |
svgsalamander | |
testng | |
thermostat | |
tiles | |
truezip | |
tuscany-parent | |
tuscany-sdo-java | |
txw2 | |
tycho | |
velocity-tools | |
voms-api-java | |
weld-api | |
weld-core | |
weld-parent | |
woden | |
woodstox-core | |
ws-commons-util | |
ws-xmlschema | |
wss4j | |
xbean | |
xml-maven-plugin | |
xml-security | |
xmlenc | |
xmlrpc | |
xmltool | |
xmvn | |
xnio | |
xsom | |
znerd-oss-parent |