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Revision as of 10:02, 18 February 2013 by Maeniel (talk | contribs)

Steve vandervalk

Steve Vandervalk
[[Image:|center|250px|Steve Vandervalk]]
Fedora Information
FAS name: maeniel
Fedora email:
IRC nick: maeniel
IRC channels: #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora, #tlug, #chess
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (13)
Secretary General Speak Up! Involvement Ambassador Let Me Introduce Myself Egg Embryo Mugshot Tadpole Froglet Tadpole with Legs Adult Frog Junior Badger (Badger I)


Hi, my name is Steve. I'm a free software lover amongst other obsessions.



  • IT Student
  • Chess player


  • Lived and died on rawhide since 2009
  • By necessity I frequent [1] as they have a rawhide and mac section and several super helpful devs. I'm hoping to get into using [2]askfedora more as it seems perhaps easier for new people and ubuntu has great success with it.
  • Now running fedora on my macbook air 2011. A great combination and fedora does the hard yards to make the drivers pretty decent.
  • My perception of Fedora is usually of it's incredible technical merit along with being a great contributor and leader for Free Software. I think there is plenty of room for softening fedora's edges for new users, both to Fedora and to Linux. Hopefully as a volunteer and contributor I can, in some small way, help with both those causes.

Plans in 2013

To get involved in Fedora promotion in my region, doing what I normally do anyways which is spreading the word and explaining to fellow users and devs the benefits of Fedora, FOSS and linux in all aspects.

Hopefully gain experience new things in Fedora by watching more experienced Fedora users and teaching it to others.

Learn RPM packaging and if I get that far, find a package related to my studies.

Learn fedora related tools to give presentations on to local TLUG - ie. openshift with django, ROR