INFO: Muhammad Syafiq Pseudonym: Gin FAS ID: gintheo
New applicant for the Ambassador role Technical Consultant for a Telco company in Singapore
Background History:
What started out as the search for a replacement OS for my Windows 8, turned to a research on Linux. The simplicity idea behinnd it all seems to pull me in. The idea of the *freedom* behind it draws me. I officially am a new Linux(fedora) user as of 26/02/2013. Reason wanting to have a role in the project is to show that as a new user to Fedora, I have no issues using the OS (f course loads of reading and understanding the OS itself.
I'm a Mac and Windows user for most of my life. I do some programming when I was in school. Currently, learning more to allow me to further understand all this.
I'm also an avid gamer and I founded, and, for all the game related news/updates there is.
IRC: gintheo
I am usually on #fedora-ambassador for now.