FY14 Budget
The Regional Support portion of the total FY14 Fedora Budget is $91,600 (USD). Regional Support, for purposes of this budget, includes swag, media, support for events, etc.
This budget does *not* include "Premier Fedora Events" (FADs and FUDCons) or "Discretionary Spending" (items such as the LWN account, recurring AWS bills, etc).
The numbers below are for guidance; they were determined by looking at the amount requested by all regions (approximately $125,600); having an allocation of $91,600; taking each regions' quarterly ask % and shrinking them proportionally to fit in the allocated budget. FAMSCO/Regional Ambassador teams can still work to balance out the budget as they see fit; if significant quarterly changes are expected as a result, please let Ruth Suehle (budget owner) know.
Q1 (March 1 - May 31, 2013)
- EMEA: $8,100
- LATAM: $3,800
- APAC: $2,800
- NA: $10,400
- Q1 Total: $25,100
Q2 (June 1 - August 31, 2013
- EMEA: $5,000
- LATAM: $4,200
- APAC: $7,400
- NA: $12,200
- Q2 Total: $28,800
Q3 (September 1 - November 30, 2013)
- EMEA: $4,500
- LATAM: $3,500
- APAC: $1,900
- NA: $9,200
- * Q3 Total: $19,100
Q4 (December 1 - February 28, 2014)
- EMEA: $4,500
- LATAM: $900
- APAC: $5,200
- NA: $8,000
- * Q4 Total: $18,600