From Fedora Project Wiki

Detalahes do Evento

O FUDCon-Latam 2013 será realizado na cidade de Cusco, Perú, nos dias 26 - 27 - 28 - 29.

FUDCon é a Conferencia de Usuarios e Desenvolvedores do Fedora, um grande evento mundial de Software Livre, realizado nas diversas regiões do globo pela comunidade Fedora da respectiva região. FUDCon é formado por uma combinação de palestras, hackfest e demais atividades voltadas para o desenvolvimento do Projeto Fedora. Alguns temas tratados são infraestrutura, funcionalidades, formação de comunidades, marketing, testes, entre outros.

A entrada de uma FUDCon é gratuita em qualquer lugar do mundo.

  • Contact email:

Qualquer problema para acessar os sites acima, reportar para



26 - 27 - 28 - 29 de Setembro de 2013


  • 26,27 BarCammp: Quinta, Sexta
  • 28 HackFest: Sexta, Sábado
  • 29 FUDPub: Domingo


  • Dias: Segunda, quarta e sexta-feira
  • Hora: 23:30 UTC Check your country
  • Canal: #Fudcon-Planning
  • Servidor:


Patrocínios disponíveis

  • Booklets: Permite tener a los asistentes una agenda, directorio, mapas e información relevante acerca del evento.
  • Banners: intended to decorate the place that served as headquarters of FUDCon.
  • Hotel
  • Posters: disseminated and promoted the event in public places to attract attendees.
  • Name tags: identify participants in the event. They will be pre-printed.


Please add your name to the list if you will attend. Also, please indicate the following:
  • Put an X in the $$$ column if you need funding to attend, and visit the FUDCon ticket tracker to make a funding request. We have a limited budget and will work hard to fund as many people as possible. We'll use these answers to help figure out budgeting for the event. We are making arrangements for attendees from other geographic regions to encourage specific initiatives such as future FUDCon events, but preference may otherwise be given to people in North America.
  • Put a V in the Veg column if you would like vegetarian fare for any meals that we provide during the event. If you prefer vegan fare, please mark that column VV. We will do our best to make sure everyone is accommodated! Note: "Hell No" and similar statements are offensive to some and should not be included in this column.
  • Put your T-shirt size in the Size column, so we can have an idea about what sizes to have available. Only Unisex (Mens Sizes will be ordered)
  • Roomsharing:
    1. If you want or need to share a room, mark yes in the "Roomshare?" column.
    2. Once you have a roommate, both of you should mark your roommate's name in the block as well.
    3. If you need a roommate, look for someone with just a yes in the column, and contact them via email. If you encounter any problems, let the organizers know.
Use the Comments section for anything else you think organizers need to know, or to offer or ask for space or rides.
Fedora means freedom — registration is free and open to everyone.
You can pre-register anonymously, but now is a great time to create a Fedora account if you don't have one! For those new to Fedora, you can register in the Fedora Account System and follow the instructions there to complete the FPCA. This process usually takes less than 5 minutes. The information you enter below is viewable by anyone, and is considered Publicly Available Personal Information.
# Nome $$$ Veg Tamanho Compartilha quarto? Comentários Cotado Hotel extra line for badge País TEAM
1 Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis No NO No No Peru
2 Alejandro Pérez Yes NO Large Yes No Aeperezt Panama Ambassadors, Famsco, Packagers, Ruby Sig, Translators
3 Luis Bazan Yes NO Large Yes No lbazan Panama Ambassadors, Packagers, Infra, Translators, Docs
4 Abdel Martínez Yes NO Small Yes No potty Panama Ambassadors, Packagers, Python SIG, Docs
5 Itamar Reis Peixoto Yes NO Medium Yes No itamarjp Brazil Ambassadors, Packagers,
6 Daniel Bruno Yes NO Medium Yes No dbruno Brazil Ambassadors, Packagers, Big Data Sig
7 Leonardo Vaz No Yes Extra Large Yes Yes No Brazil Ambassadors
8 Wolnei Junior Yes No Large Yes No No Brazil Ambassadors, KDE Sig, Testing
9 Anthony Mogrovejo No NO No No Peru
10 Eduardo Echeverría Yes No Extra Large Yes No echevemaster Venezuela Ambassadors, Packagers (Sponsor), Translators, Xfce Sig
11 Jose Carlos Garcia Yes NO Extra Large Yes No ChepeCarlos El Salvador
12 Karla Hernandez Yes NO medium Yes No keikkun4 El Salvador
13 Carlos Marcano Yes No Extra Large Yes No pelobravo Venezuela Ambassadors, Translators.
14 Jared Smith No No Large/Grande No No jsmith USA Docs, ARM, Ambassadors
15 Ariel Barria Yes NO Medium Yes No arielb Panama Infraestructure
16 Juan Barba Yes NO Medium Yes No HakS Panama Design Team, Packagers
17 Henry Anchante Castro No NO M Yes No Perú
18 Johel Heraclio Batista Cárdenas Yes NO Medium Yes No Wocker Panama Ambassadors, Translators
19 Neville A. Cross Yes NO Large Yes No Yn1v Nicaragua Ambassadors
# Name $$$ Veg Size Share room? Comments Hotel booked extra line for badge Country TEAM

Reuniões - Logs


Viagem e transporte

If you are trying to coordinate travel with other attendees, you may want to visit the travel planning page.

Chegando a Cusco

Custo aproximado
Origem Valor Paradas Rota

Direção do Aeroporto para o Hotel

Mapa do Evento, FUDPub Hotel

Dentro do hotel

O hotel dispõe de uma quantidade significativa de vagas de estacionamento e nos disse que não acredita que haverá um problema em acomodar motoristas de fora da cidade lá.

Acesso a Internet

Estará disponível no hotel e no evento, graças a Ruckus Wireless.

O que Levar


  • Roupas para frio
  • Laptop com 802.11g wireless
    • Réguas de Tomadas
    • Cabo de Rede (for hotel and/or hackfest)
    • Optional: Bring a Fedora Friend Finder (power strip)
  • Cartão de Crédito (VISA or MasterCard) ou pequena quantidade de dinheiro
  • Qualquer material necessário para sua palestra ou Hackfest

Visitantes Extrangeiros:

  • Passport/visa and any other official documentation needed
  • Adaptadores de energia (reference link)

Moeda / Dinheiro / Preços

Estamos felizes em oferecer o máximo de ajuda que pudermos para que você possa aproveitar a sua estadia no nosso País


FUDCon é um evento da comunidade em que a programação é completamente desenvolvida de forma interativa, começando com uma sessão de orientação na sua abertura. Participação com orientação é recomendado para aqueles que são novos para este formato, ou para FUDCon, Fedora, ou livre e open source software eventos da comunidade em geral.


  • Quinta-feira, 26 de setembro
    • Starting at 9:00am - 5:00pm, Hackfests / Workshops. FPL State of Fedora.
  • Sexta-feira, 27 de setembro
    • 9:00am - 5:00pm.
    • Morning: Barcamp pitches. Later in the morning, for duration of day: Barcamp sessions. Hackfests/Workshops.
  • Sábado, 28 de setembro
    • 9:00am - 5:00pm, Barcamp Hackfests/Workshops.
  • Domingo, 29 de setembro
    • 9:00am - 5:00pm, Beach FUDpub. Bring your swimsuit!
Propostas para o BarCamp

Please fill in the following grid with proposed BarCamp sessions: (If listed here will be Printed and at the Site ready for your Pitch)

Nome Topico Descrição Requerimentos Especiais
Propostas de Workshops

Workshops are a classroom style session session (with varying levels of interaction) teaching about software or processes

Hackfests are collaborative sessions to work on a problem, issue or area of Fedora.

Tipo Usuário Topico Descrição Requerimento especial
Talks Proposals
Name Topic Description Special Requirement

Nota: (*) Temas sugeridos. (This topics are suggestions of ... you can take one or suggest a new one) If you want to propose a talk just send us an email, here are the current proposals sessions FUDcon Latam


Lista de Gadgets que se proponen llevar:

  1. Docking Plugable compatible con multi seat in Fedora 17. Link No es lo mismo hablar de multi seat que verlo funcionar en caliente. Neville
  2. Programador PicKit2 para programar los IC de icaro


T-shirts made by