FLISOL 2013 - Brazil - São Paulo/SP
April 27th, 2013
Event Description
This Install Fest will be a great opportunity to introduce the use and knowledge of Fedora to all students and general public. We expect to see 800 to 1000 people attending the event. As this is a general purpose install fest, not only Fedora will be available. We will distribute most of them and keep one or two to install attendees machines.
Below you can find more information about the event.
- Number of days: 1 day
- Number of hours per day: 8 hours (starting at 9h, finishing at 17h)
- Number of people expected: about 1000
- Number of medias/CDs requested: 100
Event page: http://blog.flisolsaopaulo.org/flisol-2013/
- Faculdade FIAP - Aclimação / Av. Lins de Vasconcelos, 1222 - Cambuci Near Metrô Vila Mariana
- City / State: São Paulo / São Paulo
- Country: Brazil
Fedora Representation
Event Calendar
The event will happen on April 27th, 2013:
- Free Software Install Fest