From Fedora Project Wiki

Short description

GitLab is an open source MIT licenced git repository management application. It is built on Ruby on Rails and is used by many companies as their internal git management repository. The reason it gained so much popularity is that it bares a strong resemblance to github's looks and feels. It is a project with great potential, under heavy development with a release cycle every month. That "release early, release often" strategy makes it possible to apply bug fixes quite regularly and add new features.

This proposal is aiming to package GitLab and all its dependencies for Fedora and EPEL.

The need I believe it fulfills

More ruby packages

Relevant experience

I have been using/testing GitLab since version 2.0

I contribute upstream

Deployed several times mostly on Debian


Given talk

How I intend to implement my proposal

Find all gems GitLab is using:

 patched from gitlab

Find which of these gems are already packaged

 if version mismatch:

A rough timeline

Other details