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Revision as of 09:33, 7 May 2013 by Mkyral (talk | contribs)


  • This test case tests setroubleshhot integration with ABRT
  • Bugzilla account is required for this test
  • If you don't have an account on Bugzilla, create one.

How to test

  1. Disable ShortenedReporting mode: run echo 'ShortenedReporting = "no"' >> ~/.config/abrt/settings/abrt-applet.conf
  2. Logout and Login to gnome-shell
  3. Start audit daemon - systemctl start auditd.service
  4. Check whether selinux is in Enforcing mode via getenforce command. If not run setenforce Enforcing
  5. To generate selinux denial, run su - to log-in as root, then run the following command: cd /root; passwd --help >& output.txt.
  6. New ABRT pop-up should be displayed.
  7. Click the Report button on the displayed pop-up. Alternatively you can run gnome-abrt and find an AVC problem in the list of problems and click Report button.
  8. You would need to check 'All problems' to see the AVC in gnome-abrt
  9. Click the Troubleshoot button
  10. Select the solution which enables the Report Bug button, select the button and proceed with Submit report
  11. Try to report the problem via Bugzilla
  12. Close newly created bug with CLOSED NOTABUG with "ABRT testing, please disregard" comment
  13. If reporting is unsuccessful, please include the reporting log. Reporting log can be cut and pasted from the GUI report window.

Expected Results

  1. Log message should appear, with information about the crash and a link to the reported bug
  2. A bug entry should be filed in Bugzilla, the entry should be assigned to the selinux-policy package.
  3. If the repoting was started from gnome-abrt the URL to Bugzilla bug should apper in the main window.

After completing this test case, please close the bug as NOTABUG.