From Fedora Project Wiki

David Aquilina

I'm a release engineer at Red Hat, working on Fedora for POWER.

Contact Info

E-mail: dwa (at)

IRC: 'dwa' on freenode, in #fedora-ppc

Secondary Arch Releng Things & Stuff

Compose & Build scripts

  • Scripts for mashing & composing milestones, bleed repos, and nightly images are on my people page.
  • is a script for monitoring fedmsg and kicking off builds as soon as they finish on primary.

Handy Aliases

alias mash-17-updates="mash -o /mnt/koji/mash/updates-f17-date +%Y%m%d 17-updates -f ~/comps/comps-f17.xml -c /etc/mash/mash.ppc.conf -p /mnt/koji/tree/updates/17"
alias mash-18-updates='mock -r fedora-18-ppc64 --chroot "mash -o /mnt/koji/mash/updates-f18-date +%Y%m%d 18-updates -f /tmp/comps-f18.xml -c /etc/mash/mash.ppc.conf -p /mnt/koji/tree/updates/18/"'
alias mash-18-updates-testing='mock -r fedora-18-ppc64 --chroot "mash -o /mnt/koji/mash/updates-testing-f18-date +%Y%m%d 18-updates-testing -f /tmp/comps-f18.xml -c /etc/mash/mash.ppc.conf -p /mnt/koji/tree/updates/testing/18/"'
alias mash-19-updates-testing='mock -r fedora-branched-releng-ppc64 --uniqueext=mash --chroot "mash -o /mnt/koji/mash/updates-testing-f19-date +%Y%m%d 19-updates-testing -f /tmp/comps-f19.xml -c /etc/mash/mash.ppc.conf -p /mnt/koji/tree/updates/testing/19/"'
push-updates() { sudo rsync -rlptDHhv --delay-updates ppc ppc64 source "$@" ;}

mis-tagged shadowbuild packages

  • Find packages that shouldn't be there:
    ppc-koji latest-pkg SHADOWBUILD-f16-build --all --quiet | grep fc18 | awk {'print $1'} > /tmp/mistagged-pkgs 
  • Find the latest versions that should be.:
    for i in `awk -F- '{if (NF > 4) {print $1"-"$2"-"$3} else if (NF == 4) {print $1"-"$2} else {print $1}}' /tmp/mistagged-pkgs`; do ppc-koji latest-pkg f16-updates $i --quiet | awk {'print $1'}; done | grep -v Warning > /tmp/shouldbetagged-pkgs
    • 'grep -v Warning' is needed depending on your koji configuration, to supress the pkgurl deprecated option warning.
  • Untag the offenders:
    ppc-koji untag-pkg SHADOWBUILD-f16-build `cat /tmp/mistagged-pkgs`
  • Tag the right ones:
    ppc-koji tag-pkg SHADOWBUILD-f16-build `cat /tmp/shouldbetagged-pkgs`
  • Regen the repo:
    ppc-koji regen-repo SHADOWBUILD-f16-build

sigul client setup

in ~/.sigul/client.conf:

bridge-hostname: secondary-signer
server-hostname: secondary-signer-server

If your client is RHEL 6.4, in ~/.bashrc:


Staging Releases

Sign the CHECKSUM file:

cat Fedora-18-ppc64-CHECKSUM > /tmp/sum
sigul sign-text -o /tmp/signed fedora-18-secondary /tmp/sum
sudo mv /tmp/signed Fedora-18-ppc64-CHECKSUM

Copy the ppc64 and source directories to:

  • /mnt/koji/tree/releases/(version)/Fedora/ for GA releases
  • /mnt/koji/tree/releases/test/(version)-(milestone)/Fedora for alpha & beta releases