Who is this guy?
Hi, I'm Pete Travis. By day, I'm an onsite tech servicing enterprise retail businesses in eastern Montana and western North Dakota. When I'm not driving between customers, I'm probably either sleeping, eating, or engaged in Fedora-related activities.
Okay, but what does he do for Fedora?
I joined the docs group in October 2011, and was elected to lead that group in January 2013. I've been wrangling release notes for the last couple of releases, and contribute to guides when I can. I pitch in at ask.fedoraproject.org and in #fedora, when I know the answer, and monitor both to identify demand for documentation.
Why? It doesn't sound like this character uses Fedora for his dayjob!
Right now, I don't. I'd like to, or even a notable downstream derivative, and I put whatever time I have into learning. Most of my personal projects don't get past the proof-of-concept stage - I've spun up any number of blog platforms despite not having much to say, for example. I've recently developed the conviction that my meandering exploration of Fedora and linux in general should be productive, and I'm trying to study for an RHCE. Unfortunately, providing same day onsite service for tens of thousands of square miles of prairie eats up a lot of leisure time.
Well, does he have a dog?
Yes, I have a dog. My wife and I adopted her in 2008, and are fairly convinced she was bred specifically to extract crumbs from couch cushions.
What if he didn't answer my question here?
Ask me somewhere else! I'm "randomuser" on freenode, immanetize AT fedoraproject.org, and you can call me anytime if you happen to have my phone number.