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Fedora ARM Remixes

Some ARM devices are not officially supported by Fedora because they require proprietary drivers and firmware that do not meet the Fedora guidelines. Below is a list of devices and links to [Fedora Remixes] that users have provided.

Arndale Board

Tekkaman Ninja has released a Fedora Remix (pre-Final) for the Arndale Board. For full installation instructions please see Arndale_Board. The Arndale Fedora Remix images are here.

Samsung Exynos 5 Dual Core Cortex A15

Samsung 2012 Chromebook

  • Exynos 5250 Dual Core A15
  • 2 GiB DDR3
  • 16 GiB SSD
  • 1 SDcard slot
  • 2 usb ports
  • 802.11 a/b/g/n
  • bluetooth

The REMIX image:

(assume the sdcard is /dev/sdz)
Exact Steps:

# fetch the remix

# fetch the SHA256SUM.txt

# Verify the checksum matches
sha256sum -c SHA256SUM.txt
. . .

# decompress 
unxz -v f19-chromebook-MATE.img.xz

# write the image to sdcard
sudo dd if=f19-chromebook-MATE.img of=/dev/sdz bs=4M

# resize the rootfs partition
sudo sgdisk -p -a8192 -e -d5 -n5:0:0 -t5:8300 -c5:'ROOTFS' -p /dev/sdz
sudo partx -t gpt -u /dev/sdz

# resize the rootfs ext4 filesystem
sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sdz5
sudo resize2fs /dev/sdz5


Make sure your Chromebook is in developer mode.

Press CTRL+U on boot-up, which will boot from the SDCARD.

If everything goes well you will see the kernel boot, and eventually be greeted by the initial-setup program.