From Fedora Project Wiki
Amusing things you can make zodbot do
- Talk to zodbot when nobody else wants to talk to you
- .bacon
- .eatbacon
- .iwantbacon
- .hotdog
- .beer
- .greattaste
- .fail
- .botgamesrule1
- .cow
- .ding
- .duck
- dingle
- .swedish
- .bueller
- Show your feelings for others with zodbot's help
- .beefy user
- .moar item user
- .less item user
- .more user
- .moarbacon user
- .moarwork user
- Zodbot's violent tendencies
- .slam user
- .fire user
- .chair user
- .table user
- .crane user1 user2
- .urmom user
- dvanstonesmom
- Somewhat actually useful
- .google [topic]
- zodbot googles for you
- .fight thing1 thing2
- runs a GoogleFight for you. Ex:
- suehle: .fight kirk picard
- zodbot: suehle: kirk: 64100000, picard: 1410000
- .fasinfo user
- zodbot tells you the user, name, email, IRC, timezone, locale and GPG key ID, then approved memberships
- .wikilink user
- Tells you how to make a wikilink to that person's name, ex: [[User:Mribeirodantas|Marcel Ribeiro Dantas]]
- .google [topic]