Eko Prawiro Wijoyo Ikhyar (Ekoikhyar) | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | September, 11 |
Birth Place: | Kolaka, southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Home: | Jl. AP.Pettarani VI No.3, Makassar, Indonesia |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | ekoikhyar |
Fedora-Mail: | ekoikhyar@fedoraproject.org |
Fedora-People: | http://ekoikhyar.fedorapeople.org |
Fedora-Badges: | https://badges.fedoraproject.org/user/ekoikhyar |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: | ekoikhyar@fedoraproject.org |
Home Page: | http://ikhyar.com |
Twitter: | https://twitter.com/#!/ekoikhyar |
Facebook: | http://www.facebook.com/eko.ikhyar |
Google Plus: | https://plus.google.com/u/0/111161309792460875774/posts |
Linkedin: | http://id.linkedin.com/pub/eko-ikhyar/2b/20a/232 |
Tumblr: | {{{tumblr}}} |
Flickr: | {{{flickr}}} |
GPG-Key: | [1] |
IRC: | ikhyar or ekoikhyar on Freenode in |
#fedora-meeting #fedora-ambassadors #fedora-id #fedora-l10n #kpli-kendari | |
My name is Ekoikhyar, come from Makassar, Indonesia, joined the linux community in my hometown Kendari Linux User Groups, very big I hope to popularize Linux, especially in Kendari where I was born in Southeast Sulawesi.
I contribute to Fedora Project since 2007 and mainly I take care of contribute developing a Community of Fedora Indonesia, joined the group of Ambassadors, try to contribute to trans-id L10n and help to distribute free media to all corners of Indonesia and promoting Fedora and recruit new talent to our community.
- Thank you so much for my best mentor user:kaio, which has helped me become fedora ambassador APAC (Indonesia), hopefully I can take this work very well for sounding and invite many more contributors who will join together in fedoraproject.
- My thanks to the community of fedora Indonesia ( Fedora Indonesian Team ) much to give me lessons in community in which I may not mention one by one.
Any progress and ideas
- Some suggestions list: ToDo
- Ambassador Area: Ambassador
- Community Area: Community
- FreeMedia Area: FreeMedia
- Translation Area: L10N
- My Event Report Area: Event
- Indonesian Fedora Issue: Fedora Press Archive
Miscellaneous Information
- Languages
- Indonesia (fasih)
- English (Basic)
- FPeople : http://ekoikhyar.fedorapeople.org/
- twitter:@ekoikhyar
- Website:http://fedora.ikhyar.info (planet fedora)
- Teams