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I ENSOL do Vale do Açu

The I ENSOL do Vale do Açu (Free Software Meeting of Vale do Açu) is going to be held in Ipanguaçu in the region of Vale do Açu, in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. It's the first edition of the event which is organized by professors of the IFRN, Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte. The goal of the event is to promote and support free software use and collaboration as a mean to accessbility, digital inclusion and several other themes for all levels of the society.


Three Fedora ambassadors had their talks selected for the event.

Fedora Ambassador Location Talk theme
Marcel Ribeiro Dantas Natal, RN - Brazil How to contribute with Fedora?
Amador Pahim Natal, RN - Brazil Enterprise Virtualization with Free Software
Cândido Raphael Silva Natal, RN - Brazil Importance of Free Software in micro and small companies

Release Party

The staff of the event was very kind by providing a long table plus space for us in order to throw a release party of Fedora 19 during the event.

Official information