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Proposed packages

  • Name and url - Description
  • PSPI (Lets you install Photoshop plugins) - may be problematic because of wine requirement
  • Refocus - not packaged
  • Elsamuko Scripts - Under review
  • Color Match - not packaged
  • Focus Blur - not packaged
  • Contrast Blending - not packaged
  • Image Registration - not packaged
  • Save for Web - not packaged
  • Swatchbooker its a tool for manage swatches, mostly color sets now, its not active developed but it still works and is helpful for e.g. converting color palettes from adobe swatch exchange (*.ase) to *.gpl. Its not packaged yet but thats not a big deal, its python. - not packaged
  • Alchemy , not easy to describe what it does, it helps to create a creative chaos where you can work with. Its not really active developed but it still works, is also not packaged yet. It uses java and netbeans - not packaged
  • Evolvotron its a tool for generate creative patterns. Its not packaged yet should be harder as it uses c++/QT - not packaged
  • NeoTextureEdit it helps you to create seemless textures, for 3D games or blender. Also not packaged yet, it uses java - not packaged
  • jlipsyncor Papagayo , both do the same taking a sound file and try to recognize the phonemes. With help of that tool you can animate 3D/2D speaking characters. jlipsync bases on java and papagayo on python, personally I prefer Papagayo but its tricky on 64bit machines as the development stopped and there are no 64bit versions - not packaged
  • StopMotion its a tool for creating stop motion animations with your camera, it was started once from SkoleLinux but isnt active developed anymore but it still works. - not packaged
  • Tupi is a tool for doing 2d animations, but easier to learn and handle as SynfigStudio, puiterwik tries to package it since a few days - not packaged
  • Alchemy - chaos generation tool, good for artists and sketchers - not packaged
  • Denim - UI sketching tool. BSD license. Created by the University of Washington. Crossplatform TabletPC input. - not packaged
  • GimpShop - GimpShop is a fork of gimp for more compatibility with a commercial image editing program. - not packaged
  • HandBrake - HandBrake is an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder. - not packaged
  • Lightworks - is a non-linear editing system for video. - not packaged
  • Pencil2D - an animation/drawing software - not packaged
  • Dopey - A 2D animation program based on MyPaint - not packaged