Ramilton Costa Gomes Júnior | |
Personal Information | |
Birthday: | August 30th 1975 |
Birthplace: | Belo Horizonte - MG |
Home: | Serra, Espirito Santo, Brasil |
Fedora-specific Information | |
FAS-Name: | Ramilton |
Fedora-Mail: | Ramilton@fedoraproject.org |
Fedorapeople: | http://Ramilton.fedorapeople.org |
Miscellaneous Information | |
private Mail: | ramiltoncosta@gmail.com |
GPG-Key: | {{{gpg}}} |
Homepage: | http://ramiltonfedora.blogspot.com.br/ |
Twitter: | @ProfRamilton |
Gtalk: | ramiltoncosta@gmail.com |
Skype: | ramilton.costa |
IRC: | ramilton on Freenode in #fedora-latam #fedora-br |
Badges (0) | |
About me
I am trained in computer science from the UNIFENAS-MG, Cryptography and Security Specialist UFF-RJ and am currently studying the MSc in Science of Computation UFES-ES. I am lecturer at UNISAM, where Minister discipline the Algorithm I and II, Object Oriented Programming, Web Programming and Advanced Topics II. Organized the event "Primeiro Encontro de Software Livre do Extremo Sul da Bahia", also participated in events as a speaker. I want to contribute to the community through participation in events, organize events, translation and marketing.
Language Supported: Brazilian Portuguese and English
How I support Fedora
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