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Petr Schindler
[[Image:|center|250px|Petr Schindler]]
Fedora Information
FAS name: pschindl
Fedora email:
IRC nick: pschindl
IRC channels: #fedora-qa
Fedorapeople page:
Badges (75)
Let Me Introduce Myself White Rabbit Perceiving the Bull (Tester III) Secretary General Speak Up! Involvement Riddle Me This Master Editor Junior Editor Senior Editor Associate Editor Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Paranoid Panda Junior Badger (Badger I) Mugshot Crypto Panda Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F20) Bona Fide Embryo Nuancier Baby Badger Catching the Bull (Tester IV) Egg Nuancier 21 Consolation Prize Chief Editor Taming the Bull (Tester V) It still works! Missed the Train Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Science (Kernel Tester I) Science (Kernel Tester II) Science (Kernel Tester III) Riding the Bull Home (Tester VI) Common Bugs Contributor Tadpole with Legs Fedora 25 Release Partygoer DevConf 2018 Attendee Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) F30 i18n Test Day Participant Long Life to Pagure (Pagure I) Flock 2019 Attendee Froglet i18n Test Day Participant The Bull Transcended (Tester VII) Macaron (Cookie I) Science (Kernel Tester IV) Nuancier F24 DevConf 2017 Attendee Rollercoaster Restaurant Long Life to Pagure (Pagure IV) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure II) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure V) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure III) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build II) DevConf 2014 Attendee Crypto Badger Tadpole Grandmaster Editor Origin Top 500 DevConf 2016 Attendee Senior Badger (Badger II) Prolific! Krakow Brews! Flock 2016 Speaker F24 i18n Test Day Participant Nuancier F25 Flock 2018 Attendee I Voted: Fedora 29 You’re on a boat! If you build it... (Koji Success I) Adult Frog


I'm member of Fedora QA. I work on manual testing and test case development. Usually you can find me on IRC in #fedora-qa channel.

I like to sing (especially in shower). I sing in male choir as a first tenor.

And I love Python :)

Activities within Fedora


Let Me Introduce Myself White Rabbit Perceiving the Bull (Tester III) Secretary General Speak Up! Involvement Riddle Me This Master Editor Junior Editor Senior Editor Associate Editor Discovery of the Footprints (Tester II) In Search of the Bull (Tester I) Paranoid Panda Junior Badger (Badger I) Mugshot Crypto Panda Curious Penguin (Ask Fedora I) Keepin Fedora Beautiful (F20) Bona Fide Embryo Nuancier Baby Badger Catching the Bull (Tester IV) Egg Crypto Badger Nuancier 21 Consolation Prize Chief Editor Science (Kernel Tester II) Grandmaster Editor Science (Kernel Tester III) Common Bugs Contributor The Bull Transcended (Tester VII) Macaron (Cookie I) Top 500 DevConf 2016 Attendee Senior Badger (Badger II) Prolific! Krakow Brews! Nuancier F25 DevConf 2017 Attendee Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build I) I Voted: Fedora 29 Long Life to Pagure (Pagure I) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure IV) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure II) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure V) Long Life to Pagure (Pagure III) Building the Outer Ring (Copr Build II) Froglet Taming the Bull (Tester V) It still works! Missed the Train Associate Badger (Badger 1.5) Science (Kernel Tester I) i18n Test Day Participant Origin Science (Kernel Tester IV) Nuancier F24 Flock 2018 Attendee Flock 2019 Attendee If you build it... (Koji Success I) Adult Frog DevConf 2014 Attendee Tadpole Riding the Bull Home (Tester VI) Tadpole with Legs Flock 2016 Speaker F24 i18n Test Day Participant Fedora 25 Release Partygoer DevConf 2018 Attendee Rollercoaster Restaurant F30 i18n Test Day Participant You’re on a boat!

Badges Count: 75

Quality Assurance