Flock Sponsor Letters
CD/DVD Sleeves
- Super key sticker - Stickersheet B5 size
- Generic Tshirt designs
Flyers, Quiz sheets
- Generic Fedora flyer - 4F flyers, with our values - Spins flyer
Speech, presentation templates
- Libreoffice Fedora presentation template(s)
Banners, Fedora Event posters
- Fpo banner - LiveUSB creator station poster - Join.Fpo poster - Fedora Hosted poster? - 4F posters
Social Marketing
- Social channels poster -
Cheat cubes
- Cheat cubes
- Legally approved fonts (single rpms) - One sheet of logo usage guidelines pdf - Fedora advisory, marketing, and FPL contacts for case of emergency - Business card generator (single rpm) - Ambassador Meetings/Schedule calendar with marked dates (printable)
Full Kit
Having a convention or looking to host a event. To download everything, click the link below to get everything you need for your marketing kit.