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/home on bcache (no LVM)

Known issues, bug reports, etc
This testcase doesn't contain this information. Pass this test only after base testcase. It's contain all needed info. QA:Testcase_vzctl_base

Once your fresh Fedora 20 system is running, we will "move" /home to a bcache device. To do this it's convenient to have a minimum amount of data on /home. Do the following steps:


  1. Open terminal
  2. Switch to root user: su -
  3. Install bcache tools: yum install bcache-tools
  • If needed "backup" all data in /home to another place on your root filesystem:
    • comment /home out in your /etc/fstab
    • unmount /home (which is on /dev/sda2)
    • Make /dev/sda2 a bcache backing device: make-bcache -B /dev/sda2
    • Make /dev/sdb1 a bcache caching device: make-bcache -C /dev/sdb1
    • Note the set uuid and attach /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sda2: echo <set uuid> > /sys/block/bcache0/bcache/attach

How to test

Now you have a bcache device: /dev/bcache0

  • use "bcache-status -s" to see details about your bcache device.
  • create a filesystem: mkfs -t ext4 -L HOME /dev/bcache0
  • create a /home entry in your /etc/fstab: LABEL=HOME /home ext4 defaults 1 2
  • mount /home: mount -a
  • If needed restore the /home backup you made earlier.

Now you have a system with /home on bcache.

Expected Results

  • All steps completes without error
  • reboot your system to see if it boots OK.
  • do some other testing if you like. Limit the amount of data on /home or accept that it gets lost in the following steps.


In network tests I've used two IPs, em1 network interface. More details about them:

  • - free IP from my subnet
  • - default gw for my subnet
  • em1 - name for ethernet interface