From Fedora Project Wiki
- Date: Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
- Time: 10am to 6pm
- Venue: Brno office of Red Hat, Purkynova 99/71, Brno, Czech Republic
- Capacity: 20 participants
- Registration: please fill out this form
- Language: either Czech or English (will be decided at the beginning of the workshop. It depends if there will be any foreign participants)
- Admission: Free
More info ( en]).
Software to Package
Software that participants chose to package during the workshop. Feel free to add more if you've come up with something else (ideas) and are attending the workshop:
ipwatchd - IP conflict detection tool for Linux (previous attempt)
Slides from the last workshop
- Fedora webapps core node
- Packaging guidelines in Fedora
- Handling various versioning scenarios (snapshots etc.)
- Licensing guidelines
- rpm macros: /usr/lib/rpm/macros and /etc/rpm/macros.* files
- HowTo join Fedora Packagers
- Fedora updates for released Fedoras
- EPEL specific guidelines
- Packaging Scriptlets