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Revision as of 18:42, 28 October 2013 by Tflink (talk | contribs) (post-meeting update to the meeting page)
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  • tflink (65)
  • dan408 (35)
  • roshi (25)
  • zodbot (5)
  • nirik (3)
  • adamw (2)
  • jsmith (1)


  • Previous meeting follow-up
  • Fedora 20 Beta status
  • Test Days
  • Open floor

Previous meeting follow-up

  • roshi to talk to jskladan about improving testday app result table generation so no manual work is required to prime the table
    • completed; the app spits out full tables now
  • jskladan and nirik to discuss moving testday result app to infrastructure, probably on qa-devel list
    • done, decided that it doesn't make sense to do this with the current app. current cloud setup is OK for now
  • adamw to put together an F20 stable push request
  • adamw to finish setting up gfx test week
    • gfx test days were prepared and went well last week
  • handsome_pirate, adamw and roshi to co-ordinate with wayland and GNOME devs to arrange wayland test cases
    • done, ended up deciding not to do a wayland test day after discussion w/ gnome devs

Fedora 20 Beta status

  • Go/No-Go again on Thursday: how are we looking? Any big new blockers in TC6? Test coverage?

Test Days

Open floor

Action items

  • roshi to write up recap of the graphics test week


tflink #startmeeting fedora-qa-meeting 15:00
zodbot Meeting started Mon Oct 28 15:00:47 2013 UTC. The chair is tflink. Information about MeetBot at 15:00
zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00
tflink #meetingname fedora-qa-meeting 15:00
zodbot The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa-meeting' 15:00
tflink #topic Roll Call 15:00
dan408 here 15:01
* roshi is here 15:01
tflink attendance might be a bit lighter than usual today 15:01
roshi yeah 15:01
dan408 wheres adamw 15:01
tflink holiday in the czech republic and adam's out 15:01
dan408 i see 15:02
tflink we'll wait another minute or two before getting started 15:03
dan408 i see a robatino 15:03
tflink alrighty, let's get started and see what we get through 15:04
tflink #topic Previous Meeting Follow-Up 15:04
tflink "roshi to talk to jskladan about improving testday app result table generation so no manual work is required to prime the table" 15:04
tflink roshi 15:05
tflink roshi: did that get done? 15:05
roshi that was done 15:05
roshi the app happily spits out full tables 15:05
tflink #info roshi to talk to jskladan about improving testday app result table generation so no manual work is required to prime the table - completed; the app spits out full tables now 15:05
tflink "jskladan and nirik to discuss moving testday result app to infrastructure, probably on qa-devel list" 15:05
tflink this was done in IRC 15:06
tflink we decided that it doesn't make sense to move the testday app to infra right now 15:06
tflink if something goes wrong and the app dies, we can always fall back to the wiki system 15:06
tflink #info "jskladan and nirik to discuss moving testday result app to infrastructure, probably on qa-devel list" - done, decided that it doesn't make sense to do this with the current app. current cloud setup is OK for now 15:07
tflink "adamw to put together an F20 stable push request" 15:07
tflink I think this was done 15:07
tflink anyone know more? 15:08
* dan408 checks his bodhi 15:08
roshi I don't know 15:08
dan408 well i still have stuff pending for 20 15:09
dan408 dont know if he created a ticket 15:09
nirik there was a stable push late last week... 15:09
tflink yes, it was 15:09
tflink 15:09
nirik I also pushed java 15:09
nirik 15:10
tflink #info "adamw to put together an F20 stable push request" - done per 15:10
dan408 oh just specific stuff not everything 15:10
tflink #info java updated pushed stable as FE: 15:11
tflink "adamw to finish setting up gfx test week" 15:11
tflink AFAIK, this was done 15:11
tflink and if it wasn't, probably doesn't matter much anymore :) 15:11
roshi yeah - it was 15:11
roshi went well too 15:12
tflink #info "adamw to finish setting up gfx test week" - gfx test days were prepared and went well last week 15:12
tflink "handsome_pirate, adamw and roshi to co-ordinate with wayland and GNOME devs to arrange wayland test cases" 15:12
roshi that happened, and we didn't have a wayland test day 15:12
dan408 i'd be interested in that test day 15:13
roshi too much already on the wayland devs plate to justify a test day - there wasn't much use at this point 15:13
roshi I don't know if we' 15:13
tflink #info "handsome_pirate, adamw and roshi to co-ordinate with wayland and GNOME devs to arrange wayland test cases" - done, ended up deciding not to do a wayland test day after discussion w/ gnome devs 15:13
dan408 i heard that sentiment roshi 15:13
roshi 'll have a wayland test day before F20 final release 15:13
tflink was it wayland devs or gnome folks about support for wayland 15:13
dan408 gnome 15:14
roshi gnome from what I know 15:14
dan408 they said "nothing to see here" basically 15:14
roshi lol 15:14
tflink "this is not the display server you're looking for" 15:14
dan408 but i'd be interest in it for mate. 15:14
dan408 mate 1.7 development release is coming up soon 15:15
tflink anyhow, that's all the followup that's on my list 15:15
tflink dan408: with support for wayland? 15:15
dan408 yes it's on the roadmap 15:15
tflink cool 15:15
dan408 yeah but it wont hit until f21 15:15
dan408 eitherway i'd like to try it out 15:16
tflink I think that's true of gnome and kde as well 15:16
dan408 ah good 15:16
tflink the current support is meant as a technology preview 15:16
dan408 right 15:16
dan408 that's basically what mate 1.7 is 15:16
tflink #topic Fedora 20 Beta Status 15:17
tflink I haven't really been looking at the matrices - how are we looking? 15:17
dan408 well there are only 4 blockers 15:17
dan408 err 4 propoed 15:18
dan408 proposed* 15:18
dan408 14 accepted 15:18
dan408 most of them anaconda 15:18
tflink shouldn't a lot of those accepted blockers be fixed with TC6? 15:18
tflink has there been any fedup testing? 15:18
dan408 i've tested fedup 15:19
dan408 works fine 15:19
tflink I've been seeing new bugs, but not sure I've heard much about how well it's workign 15:19
tflink good to hear 15:19
dan408 yeah but i just did a normal network upgrade 15:19
dan408 nothing crazy 15:19
dan408 glad someone caught the mouse bug on gnome 15:20
tflink mouse bug? 15:20
dan408 .bug 1008965 15:21
zodbot dan408: Bug 1008965 mouse cursor sometimes disappears on login - 15:21
tflink anything else for beta testing? 15:22
* roshi has nothing 15:23
tflink ok, moving on 15:23
tflink #topic Test Days 15:23
tflink #chair roshi 15:23
zodbot Current chairs: roshi tflink 15:23
tflink roshi: I assume you know more about both last week's and this week's test days than I do :) 15:23
roshi #info tomorrow (2013-10-29) is i18n Translation Test day 15:24
roshi that's the up and coming test day 15:24
tflink cool, I assume that everything's ready for that? 15:24
roshi double checking on some packages they need 15:25
roshi there was a question this morning about a Live image for the test day - but it seems TC6 has everything they need. If it doesn't we'll make an image for them 15:25
tflink but it sounds like everything's on track to be ready? 15:25
roshi yeah 15:25
tflink good to hear :) 15:25
roshi graphics test week went well - good participation 15:26
* roshi is writing up a recap. It'll show up on the planet and maybe the magazine 15:26
tflink #info graphics test week went well - good participation 15:26
tflink #action roshi to write up recap of the graphics test week 15:27
tflink anything else to bring up that's test day related? 15:27
roshi not at this point - next scheduled test day after i18n is 2013-11-14 15:28
tflink wow, that's a decent gap 15:28
roshi yeah 15:28
tflink but it sounds like it's time for ... 15:29
tflink #topic Open Floor 15:29
dan408 got nothing 15:29
tflink roshi: thanks for the test day update (I'm apparantly a bit slow this morning ... time for more coffee?) 15:29
* jsmith has nothing important to add 15:29
roshi :) that's what I'm here for 15:29
adamw morning folks, just checking if i'm needed for anything 15:30
tflink #info Fedora 20 beta Go/No-Go #2 is this thursday 2013-10-31 15:30
tflink roshi: getting my coffee? I didn't know this 15:30
adamw you know you're on vacation when it takes you two shots to manage the hotel room coffee maker 15:30
roshi bah 15:30
dan408 tflink: what time for the go/no-go meeting? 15:30
dan408 same time? 15:31
tflink I think so 15:31
dan408 k 15:31
tflink Thanks for coming, everyone! 15:34
tflink Lots of beta testing to do, let's get to it! 15:35
tflink #endmeeting 15:35

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