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Personal * Whoami: Lucas do Amaral Saboya * Whereis: Fortaleza - CE, Brazil * Study: Linux System Administration @4Linux * Work: Linux System Admin Tranee, Server Admin Tranee and IT infra-structure responsible over UAB-CEFETCE(Ceará) Info My name is Lucas do Amaral Saboya I'm 18 years old and I live in the city of Fortaleza in Brazil close to the international airport of Fortaleza (Pinto Martins). For 4 years I was an webmaster of CEFETCE (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnologica do Ceará - Federal Technology Center of Ceará, and in this period, got my first contact with linux from Fedora Core 4, and now, I am Linux System Administrator on a research project o CEFETCE and a tranee of System Admin at the IT Departament on CEFETCE too. Since I started this new job @ this research project, I'm responsible for everything about Linux here in the project and some other things, like CD-ROM development PHP Programming and managing some servers of the IT Department too. I personally use ONLY Linux for about 4 months, but spent about 3 years on dual boot. Starting with FC4, upgraded to FC5, and FC6, and FC7, and FC8, now I user Fedora Core 9 on my notebook, and other 15 machines, between desktops, servers and thin clients. Also I got some experiences with Debian, Slackware and Ubuntu, but none of those has the same taste tha Fedora do :D, besides, it's the first Open Source OS I ever used, and never let me down with anything ! And now, that I decided to really get envolved with these linux stuff, I've subscribed in some linux courses, then I'll take some certifications, link LPI levels 1 and 2 and RHCE :) Contact * E-mail: (That fowards to) * MSN: * GTalk: * Blog: * IRC: Lucassssiousss |