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Instruction to run application


This is a translation testing for cracklib package.

How to test

1: Run command passwd

2: Use wrong password, easy password, empty password, special password

3: Check error messages in each password

4: Check the translations & quality of translations


Language Result [language code] Bug Comment
Example: abcd (ab_cd)
Fail fail ab_cd
Pass pass ab_cd
RHBZ #12345 This is the comment
German (de_DE)
Pass pass de_DE
Russian (ru_RU)
Pass pass ru_RU
Korean (ko-KR)
Fail fail ko-KR
Error messages are partially localized but, 100% localized upstream.
Spanish (es-ES)
Pass pass es-ES
Portuguese (pt-BR)
Pass pass pt-BR
Italian (it-IT)
Pass pass it-IT
T. Chin.(zh-TW)
Pass pass zh-TW
French (fr-FR)
Pass pass fr-FR
Tamil (ta_IN)
Fail fail ta_IN
  1. The word 'password' in the translation of 'New password:' is untranslated ("புதிய password:"
  2. The error messages 'The password fails the dictionary check', 'The password is shorter than 8 characters', etc. are unlocalized
  3. Rendering of localized text is broken in terminal.
Assamese (as-IN)
Fail fail as-IN
'The password is too similar to the old one', 'The password is shorter than 8 characters', these two strings are not localized and they are not there in upstream.
Japanese (ja-JP)
Pass pass ja-JP
Kannada (kn_IN)
Fail fail kn_IN
Broken rendering.Error messages returned by the system are untranslated.
Gujarati (gu_IN)
Fail fail gu_IN
RHBZ #953816 The error messages 'The password fails the dictionary check', 'The password is shorter than 8 characters' are unlocalized.
Malayalam (ml_IN)
Fail fail ml_IN
RHBZ #953816 Error messages like 'The password is shorter than 8 characters' are in English.
Oriya (or_IN)
Fail fail or_IN
Error messages are untranslated.
Hindi (hi_IN)
Fail fail hi_IN
RHBZ #953816 The error messages 'The password fails the dictionary check', 'The password is shorter than 8 characters' are unlocalized.
Punjabi (pa_IN)
Fail fail pa_IN
Untranslated text found.

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