From Fedora Project Wiki

GitLab for Fedora

An effort to package GitLab for Fedora.

System dependencies

The equivalent of Debian's build-essential is:

# yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' 'Development Libraries'

The rest of the packages can be installed with:

# yum install zlib-devel libyaml-devel openssl-devel gdbm-devel readline-devel ncurses-devel libffi-devel curl git openssh-server redis libxml2-devel libxslt-devel libcurl-devel libicu-devel python

Below is the table for an easy reference.

GitLab system dependencies
Debian Fedora 19
sudo sudo
zlib1g-dev zlib-devel
libyaml-dev libyaml-devel
libssl-dev openssl-devel
libgdbm-dev gdbm-devel
libreadline-dev readline-devel
libncurses5-dev ncurses-devel
libffi-dev libffi-devel
curl curl
git-core git
openssh-server openssh-server
redis-server redis
postfix postfix
Fail fail
libxml2-dev libxml2-devel
libxslt-dev libxslt-devel
libcurl4-openssl-dev libcurl-devel
libicu-dev libicu-devel
python python

Runtime gems

GitLab gem runtime dependencies
Ruby gem GitLab (Gemfile) Fedora (rawhide) Upstream ( GitLab == Upstream
actionmailer 3.2.15 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
actionpack 3.2.15 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
activemodel 3.2.15 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
activerecord 3.2.15 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
activeresource 3.2.15 4.0.0 4.0.0 NO
activesupport 3.2.15 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
acts-as-taggable-on 2.4.1 2.4.1 2.4.1 YES
arel 3.0.2 4.0.0 4.0.1 NO
asciidoctor 0.1.3 0.1.3 0.1.4 NO
backports 3.3.2 3.3.4 3.3.5 NO
bcrypt-ruby 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.2 NO
bootstrap-sass NO
builder 3.0.4 3.1.4 3.2.2 NO
bundler 1.5.0.rc.1 1.3.5 1.3.5 NO
carrierwave 0.8.0 None 0.9.0 NO
celluloid 0.14.1 None 0.15.2 NO
charlock_holmes YES
chosen-rails 1.0.1 None 1.0.1 YES
chunky_png 1.2.9 1.2.7 1.2.9 YES
coffee-rails 3.2.2 4.0.0 4.0.1 NO
coffee-script 2.2.0 2.2.0 2.2.0 YES
coffee-script-source 1.6.3 1.6.1 1.6.3 YES
colored 1.2 1.2 1.2 YES
compass 0.12.2 0.12.2 0.12.2 YES
compass-rails 1.0.3 1.0.3 1.0.3 YES
connection_pool 1.1.0 None 1.2.0 NO
d3_rails 3.1.10 None 3.3.10 NO
descendants_tracker 0.0.1 0.0.3 0.0.3 NO
devise 2.2.5 None 3.2.2 NO
devise-async 0.8.0 None 0.9.0 NO
diff-lcs 1.2.5 1.1.3 1.2.5 YES
dotenv 0.8.0 0.8.0 0.9.0 NO
enumerize 0.6.1 None 0.7.0 NO
erubis 2.7.0 2.7.0 2.7.0 YES
escape_utils 0.2.4 None 1.0.0 NO
eventmachine 1.0.3 1.0.3 1.0.3 YES
execjs 2.0.2 1.4.0 2.0.2 YES
faraday 0.8.7 0.8.8 0.8.8 NO
faraday_middleware 0.9.0 None 0.9.0 YES
font-awesome-rails None NO
foreman 0.63.0 None 0.63.0 YES
fssm 0.2.10 0.2.7 0.2.10 YES
gemoji 1.2.1 None 1.5.0 NO
github-markdown 0.5.5 None 0.6.3 NO
github-markup 0.7.5 None 0.7.5 YES
gitlab-flowdock-git-hook None YES
gitlab-gollum-lib 1.0.2 None 1.0.2 YES
gitlab-grack 1.1.0 None 1.1.0 YES
gitlab-grit 2.6.3 None 2.6.3 YES
gitlab-linguist 2.9.6 None 2.9.6 YES
gitlab-pygments.rb 0.5.4 None 0.5.4 YES
gitlab_git 3.1.0 None 3.1.0 YES
gitlab_meta 6.0 None 6.0 YES
gitlab_omniauth-ldap 1.0.3 None 1.0.3 YES
gon 4.1.1 None 4.1.1 YES
grape 0.4.1 None 0.6.1 NO
grape-entity 0.3.0 None 0.3.0 YES
haml 4.0.3 3.1.7 4.0.4 NO
haml-rails 0.4 0.4 0.5.1 NO
hashie 1.2.0 2.0.5 2.0.5 NO
hike 1.2.3 1.2.1 1.2.3 YES
hipchat 0.9.0 0.14.0 0.14.0 NO
http_parser.rb 0.5.3 None 0.5.3 YES
httparty 0.11.0 0.10.2 0.12.0 NO
httpauth 0.2.0 None 0.2.0 YES
i18n 0.6.5 0.6.4 0.6.5 YES
journey 1.0.4 1.0.4 1.0.4 YES
jquery-atwho-rails 0.3.0 None 0.4.1 NO
jquery-rails 2.1.3 3.0.4 3.0.4 NO
jquery-turbolinks 1.0.0 None 2.0.1 NO
jquery-ui-rails 2.0.2 None 4.1.0 NO
jwt 0.1.8 None 0.1.8 YES
kaminari 0.14.1 None 0.15.0 NO
kgio 2.8.0 2.8.0 2.8.1 NO
libv8 None NO
mail 2.5.4 2.5.4 2.5.4 YES
mime-types 1.25.1 1.19 2.0 NO
modernizr 2.6.2 None 2.6.2 YES
multi_json 1.8.2 1.7.7 1.8.2 YES
multi_xml 0.5.4 0.5.2 0.5.5 NO
multipart-post 1.2.0 1.2.0 1.2.0 YES
mysql2 0.3.11 0.3.13 0.3.14 NO
net-ldap 0.3.1 0.3.1 0.3.1 YES
nokogiri 1.5.10 1.6.0 1.6.0 NO
oauth 0.4.7 0.4.7 0.4.7 YES
oauth2 0.8.1 None 0.9.2 NO
omniauth 1.1.4 1.1.4 1.1.4 YES
omniauth-github 1.1.0 None 1.1.1 NO
omniauth-google-oauth2 0.1.19 None 0.2.1 NO
omniauth-oauth 1.0.1 None 1.0.1 YES
omniauth-oauth2 1.1.1 None 1.1.1 YES
omniauth-twitter 0.0.17 None 1.0.1 NO
orm_adapter 0.4.0 0.4.0 0.5.0 NO
pg 0.15.1 0.14.1 0.17.0 NO
polyglot 0.3.3 0.3.3 0.3.3 YES
posix-spawn 0.3.6 None 0.3.6 YES
pyu-ruby-sasl None YES
rack 1.4.5 1.5.2 1.5.2 NO
rack-accept 0.4.5 0.4.3 0.4.5 YES
rack-attack 2.2.1 None 2.3.0 NO
rack-cache 1.2 1.2 1.2 YES
rack-mount 0.8.3 0.8.3 0.8.3 YES
rack-protection 1.5.0 1.5.0 1.5.1 NO
rack-ssl 1.3.3 1.3.2 1.3.3 YES
rack-test 0.6.2 0.6.2 0.6.2 YES
rails 3.2.15 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
railties 3.2.15 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
raindrops 0.11.0 0.10.0 0.12.0 NO
rake 10.1.0 10.0.4 10.1.0 YES
raphael-rails 2.1.2 None 2.1.2 YES
rdoc 3.12.2 4.0.1 4.0.1 NO
redcarpet 2.2.2 2.1.1 3.0.0 NO
redis 3.0.4 3.0.4 3.0.6 NO
redis-actionpack 3.2.4 None 4.0.0 NO
redis-activesupport 3.2.4 None 4.0.0 NO
redis-namespace 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.2 NO
redis-rack 1.4.4 None 1.5.0 NO
redis-rails 3.2.4 None 4.0.0 NO
redis-store 1.1.4 None 1.1.4 YES
ref 1.0.5 1.0.0 1.0.5 YES
rubyntlm 0.1.1 None 0.4.0 NO
sanitize 2.0.3 2.0.6 2.0.6 NO
sass 3.2.12 3.2.6 3.2.12 YES
sass-rails 3.2.6 4.0.0 4.0.1 NO
seed-fu 2.2.0 None 2.3.0 NO
select2-rails 3.4.2 None 3.5.2 NO
settingslogic 2.0.9 None 2.0.9 YES
sidekiq 2.14.0 None 2.17.0 NO
simple_oauth 0.1.9 None 0.2.0 NO
sinatra 1.4.3 1.4.3 1.4.4 NO
six 0.2.0 None 0.2.0 YES
slim 2.0.0 1.3.8 2.0.2 NO
sprockets 2.2.2 2.8.2 2.10.1 NO
stamp 0.5.0 None 0.5.0 YES
state_machine 1.2.0 1.1.2 1.2.0 YES
stringex 1.5.1 None 2.1.2 NO
temple 0.6.5 0.6.3 0.6.7 NO
therubyracer 0.11.4 0.11.0 0.12.0 NO
thor 0.18.1 0.18.1 0.18.1 YES
tilt 1.4.1 1.3.7 2.0.0 NO
timers 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.0 YES
tinder 1.9.2 None 1.9.3 NO
treetop 1.4.15 1.4.14 1.4.15 YES
turbolinks 1.2.0 1.1.1 1.3.1 NO
twitter-stream 0.1.16 None 0.1.16 YES
tzinfo 0.3.38 0.3.37 1.1.0 NO
uglifier 2.1.1 2.3.0 2.3.1 NO
underscore-rails 1.4.4 None 1.5.2 NO
unicorn 4.6.3 None 4.7.0 NO
virtus 0.5.5 None 1.0.0 NO
warden 1.2.3 1.2.1 1.2.3 YES
yajl-ruby 1.1.0 None 1.1.0 YES

Missing gems

This is the list of the gems to be packaged. These pending review have a link to bugzilla. List of gems pending review

The raw list can be found here.

GitLab missing gems
Ruby gem Bugzilla id Status
backports - -
carrierwave - -
celluloid - -
chosen-rails 967396 ASSIGNED
connection_pool 967334 ASSIGNED
d3_rails - -
devise - -
devise-async - -
enumerize - -
escape_utils - -
faraday - -
faraday_middleware - -
font-awesome-rails - -
foreman - -
gemoji - -
github-markdown 1026052 ASSIGNED
github-markup - -
gitlab-flowdock-git-hook - -
gitlab-gollum-lib - -
gitlab-grack - -
gitlab-grit - -
gitlab-linguist - -
gitlab-pygments.rb - -
gitlab_git - -
gitlab_meta - -
gitlab_omniauth-ldap - -
gon - -
grape - -
grape-entity - -
http_parser.rb - -
httpauth - -
jquery-atwho-rails - -
jquery-turbolinks - -
jquery-ui-rails - -
jwt - -
kaminari - -
libv8 - -
modernizr - -
oauth2 - -
omniauth-github - -
omniauth-google-oauth2 - -
omniauth-oauth - -
omniauth-oauth2 - -
omniauth-twitter - -
posix-spawn - -
pyu-ruby-sasl - -
rack-attack - -
raphael-rails - -
redis-actionpack - -
redis-activesupport - -
redis-rack - -
redis-rails - -
redis-store - -
rubyntlm - -
seed-fu - -
select2-rails - -
settingslogic - -
sidekiq - -
simple_oauth - -
six - -
stamp - -
stringex - -
tinder - -
turbolinks - -
twitter-stream - -
underscore-rails - -
unicorn 786636 NEW
virtus - -
yajl-ruby 823351 ASSIGNED


Gitlab runtime gems  :  145
Gems in Fedora repos :  389
Common gems          :  70
To be packaged       :  75
Pending review in BZ :  11
When BZ go in repos  :  64

Unofficial repository

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