EPEL Branch Requests
please fill in the table with branching requests for epel7
ACL source must be one of EL-6 or devel
if the package was in epel6 then use EL-6, if its a new package to epel use devel; if you use anything else your request will not be correctly processed
Add new requests to the end, there's no need to sort. if you sort it there is a high chance that your request will be skipped if added while the queue is processed.
Package Name | ACL Source |
foo | EL-6 |
python-six | EL-6 |
python-passlib | EL-6 |
python-dogpile-cache | EL-6 |
python-oauth2 | EL-6 |
python-keyring | EL-6 |
python-scripttest | EL-6 |
python-ampq | EL-6 |
python-nose-cover3 | EL-6 |
perl-B-Utils | EL-6 |
perl-Config-Any | EL-6 |
perl-Config-GitLike | EL-6 |
perl-Data-Dump-Streamer | EL-6 |
perl-Data-Dumper-Concise | EL-6 |
perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive | EL-6 |
perl-MooseX-Getopt | EL-6 |
perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class | EL-6 |
perl-namespace-autoclean | EL-6 |
perl-App-Nopaste | devel |
perl-Clipboard | devel |
perl-Lexical-Persistence | devel |
perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile | devel |
perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable | devel |
perl-MooseX-SimpleConfig | devel |
perl-WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create | devel |
perl-Any-Moose | EL-6 |
perl-Class-Method-Modifiers | EL-6 |
perl-MooseX-Types | EL-6 |
perl-Mouse | EL-6 |
perl-MouseX-Types | EL-6 |
perl-Sys-SigAction | EL-6 |
perl-Test-Kwalitee | EL-6 |