From Fedora Project Wiki

Starting 0 UTC on release day to 48 hours later:

  • 8 million page views on the web server(s)
  • 22 million total hits
  • jigdo IP's 1771 total - %0.2 of the download and mirror ips
  • jigdo hits: - 46,000 20% of the hits to download and mirrors
  • Peak - 14:00 UTC release day
  • verified installs - 31,000
  • x86_64: 22%
  • i386: 77%
  • ppc: 1% (values rounded)

On lockbox:

egrep 'repo=updates-released-f9' proxy*/{05-{13..31},06-{0{1..9},{10..23}}} | grep '\" 200 ' | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F : '{print $2}' | sort | uniq | wc -l >~/new-yum-stats/f9-yum-20080623.txt

Results (parenthetical = F8 total):

Week 02 - 161616   (148466)
Week 03 - 227236   (218086)
Week 04 - 293523
Week 05 - 359770   (358153)
Week 06 - 428869
Week 07 - 497872