Florian Tani
Hello, my name is Florian Tani. I am Computer Engineering student , second year at Metropolitan Univeristy of Tirana . Graduated for Physics Engineering with Bachelor degree from Polytechnic University of Tirana.
Professionally, I'm a Technical Support/IT in a company in Tirana,Albania.My work involves Technical Support as operator for Internet/Telephone Services technicians in-field-work and daily routine as System/Network Administratior . In spare i have been involved in projects related with Arduino , Raspberry Pi. I have experimenting like distro hopper with many Linux distros for learning purposes starting from Ubuntu passing in Linux Mint. Later i decided to try Fedora , openSUSE which give me more comfortability (subjective opinion ) . Since i was accustomed to have the latest programs installed on my machine , i tried Archlinux derivatives (Chakra,Manjaro). Now i use Fedora as the main OS on my laptop.
My hobbies like meeting my friends, reading books, playing chess, swimming , listen electronic music.
Some information
- E-Mail: [mailto: floriantani@gmail.com ] or [mailto: linux@openlabs.cc ]
- Location: Durres, Durres, Albania
- Time zone: UTC +01:00 (CET) or UTC +02:00 (CEST)
- Languages: Albanian,English,Italian
Area of Interest
I want to create and mantain RPM packages for Fedora because we can learn new stuff and understand more better the infrastructure of an OS . I am interested in writing scientific and engineering applications in C/C++ (Qt) and Python in free time.
Fedora Events
- 2014
- 2013
- July 2013 in Pristina as a guest
- Language: Albanian, English, Italian
- Location: Durres,ALbania
- Email: florian(at)gmail (dot) com
- Twitter: twitter.com/FlorianTani
- Facebook: /florian.tani
- IRC: freenode: #fedora #fedora-ambassadors #openlabs-albania
- Fedora Account: [1]