From Fedora Project Wiki

L10N QA Test Day

L10N QA Test Day is designed for translators to maintain high standard of translation quality. This is a day long event where translators and testers review latest translation currently being developed using a image composed a few days before of the event date. L10N QA Test Day date is dependent to translation deadline, and is set during "review and correct software translation in built UI" period. The length of this period is one week and ends at the same day of translation deadline. So that translators can correct or file bug(s) for findings during QA activity. Fedora packgaes shipped in the final release must contain the translations contributed until this date. Therefore, as the result of QA activity, any changes made prior to "translation deadline" expect to be included in the final release.

"review and correct software translation in built UI" task has been created by FLSCO and approved by FESCO. This task appears in Translation Schedule, which can be found in Detailed Schedules section of Schedule page.
An image is exclusively composed for this activity by Release Engineering. This task is called as "Compose of Live Image" and appears in Release Engineering Schedule, which can be found in Detailed Schedules section of Schedule page.

Calculating L10N QA Test Day

Check 'Translation Deadline' in [the master Schedule] page. One week preceding this Translation Deadline is 'Review and correct software translation in built UI' period. Take first Tuesday as L10N QA Test Day.