From Fedora Project Wiki
OMAP5 uEVM notes
Fedora 20 uENV.txt:
setenv bootm_size 0x20000000 setenv bootargs console=${console} vram=${vram} root=LABEL=_/ ro rootwait rhgb ext4load mmc 0:3 0x82000000 /boot/vmlinuz-3.14.0-0.rc6.git4.1.fc21.armv7hl ext4load mmc 0:3 0x88080000 /boot/uInitrd-3.14.0-0.rc6.git4.1.fc21.armv7hl ext4load mmc 0:3 0x88000000 /boot/dtb-3.14.0-0.rc6.git4.1.fc21.armv7hl/omap5-uevm.dtb bootz 0x82000000 0x88080000 0x88000000
Fedora 21/rawhide notes
Install MLO and u-boot on non-vfat image: WARNING: BETA NOTES
sudo dd if=MLO \ of=/dev/sdz \ conv=fsync,notrunc \ seek=128k sudo dd if=u-boot.img \ of=/dev/sdz \ count=2 \ seek=1 \ conv=notrunc,fsync \ bs=384k
F20 notes
- download the f20 minimal image
- Decompress
- Extract the rootfs
dd if=Fedora-Minimal-VFAT-armhfp-20-1-sda.raw \ of=f20-minimal-rootfs.ext4
- Shrink the rootfs image file
e2fsck -f f20-minimal-rootfs.ext4 &> /dev/null resize2fs -M f20-minimal-rootfs.ext4
- Create a new f20 disk image file
truncate -s 4G f20-minimal.disk
- Partition the newly created disk image
Tips & Tricks
You can monitor the DD command in an easy one liner.
dd if=/dev/sdc3 of=f20-minimal-rootfs.ext4-ORIG & while ps -p $! ; do kill -USR1 $! ; sleep 5 ; done
This signals the DD process to spew progress info every five seconds. Especially useful on very slow sdcard, or large data transfers.