Event Information
The SFD event wiki page is mainly in Vietnamese, all Fedora related activities would be listed separately here and linked to that main page.
Software Freedom Day is one of the biggest international annual events for promoting Free and Open Source Software, organized in hundreds of cities across the globe.
This year, SFD would be also organized by Vietnam Free and Open Source Software Association in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and some other cities. During this day, a lot of activities would be held for thousands of attendees.
A small team of Fedora Ambassadors are invited to the event in Hanoi and organize some Fedora related activities there. This is also a good chance for active Fedora Ambassadors in APAC meet together once more to discuss critical issues like budget planning, mentoring, etc. face to face.
Responsible Ambassadors
Fedora Attendees
Please add yourself if you want to attend including also your estimated budget request for transportation.
If you add your self, you better make sure to come!
Attendee Accommodation
Please list your name along with information on who you intend to share your room with.
Name |
Room Partnet |
Arrival |
Your name |
Room Partner |
Arrival date & time |
Dept. date & time
Visa Information
Event Schedule
September 19, 2014: Fedora Meetup
September 20, 2014: Software Freedom Day event
Important Deadlines
Date |
Aug 24 |
All ideas and comments shared
Aug 24 |
All attendees registered, especially ones who need subsidy
Aug 31 |
Fedora program registered with SFD event owner (keynotes, talks, activities, booth, dedicated room, etc.)
Aug 31 |
All flights booked, hotel booked
Event Budget
Stuff |
Estimated |
Actual |
Notes |
Funding request
Hotel |
$250 |
About $30 per double room per night |
Foods and Drinks |
$250 |
two group dinners and a lunch during meetup |
Travel subsidy |
$2,500 |
for about 6-7 persons from other countries/cities |
Event Funding |
$500 |
SFD is a community event |
Funding request #140
$3,500 |
IRC Meeting Logs
Spreading the word
- Public announcement on relevant Fedora Mailing Lists
- Register with Global SFD Community
SFD Session Ideas
- Share success stories from each country by Ambassadors - This is permitted to Fedora Ambassadors only.
- Introduction to FOSS - what it is, why involve, how
- FOSS techniques workshop - all the non-programmatic elements of contributing to FOSS: communication, version control etc
- Install Fest - Help people install Fedora or other distros of their choice [it's Freedom ;) ]
- Contributing to FOSS when you're not a programmer
- Contributing to FOSS when you're a beginner programmer
- Swag distribution booth
Fedora Meetup Ideas
- Discuss about regional related issues:
- Budget planning
- Future events/activities
- Support needs
- Dealing with Ambassadors.
Room Arrangements
- Keynotes and talks (in SFD common rooms)
- A dedicated booth for distributing medias, swags and introducing to participants more information about Fedora and FOSS
- A dedicated room for hackfest, installfest, workshops, talks(?)
Event Reports
Event ReportPlease use this section to document and report about the event. Nice things to see in this section are blog posts about the event, pictures from the event, and anything else that might be valuable to showing the success of our participation in the event. If there were any "lessons learned" or problems that others might benefit from seeing please do include those here too. Some general information about report expectations can be found on the
Event Reports page.
Links to presentations/other resources