Media Art
This page will hold various artwork for use on CD/DVD: labels, envelopes, jackets, jewel cases, etc.
- How to Print Labels for Fedora in Fedora - not sure how to get these to print out right? Try this tutorial!
- You can also use GIMP if you have Ink Jet printer with Media Print feature. Just choose "Print to CD" for "Media Source"
Legal Notice
All media should be labelled with a basic legal statement. It must appear as part of the packaging or on the media, but only needs to appear once.
Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. "Fedora" and the Fedora logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. This software is provided "as-is" and without any warranty, either expressed or implied.
All of the CD/DVD sleeves must also have the following text on the back.
A complete machine-readable copy of the source code corresponding to portions of the accompanying Fedora 20 release is available upon request. This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information and shall expire three years following the date of the final distribution of this release by Red Hat, Inc. To obtain such source code, send a check or money order in the amount of US $10.00 to: Fedora Legal c/o Red Hat, Inc. | 1801 Varsity Drive | Raleigh, NC 27606 USA Please write "source for Fedora 20" in the memo line of your payment. You may also access a copy of this source code at:
You may also wish to place the address of this website ( on the media for people to refer to.