Fedora Events: Fedora 21 Test and Bug Report day - Paris, France
When and Where
- 2014, november 18
Carrefour Numérique de la Cité des Sciences, Paris, France
not available, searching for other places
should be done asap
- Add the event in the www.agendadulibre.org french open calendar.
- Announce the event on linuxfr.org
- Add an entry on http://fedora-fr.org/
- Contact Parinux, the local LUG
- Announce the event on Facebook, Twitter, Google+...
- Spread the word
Pickup any task you want, add any task you think is necessary for the event to be a success.
Task | Owner | Status | Observations |
Book the "Carrefour Numérique" | ? | ![]() |
Produce goodies ? | ? | ![]() |
Produce USB key with F-21 BETA ? | ? | ![]() |
Make an announce to fedora forums, linuxfr, blogs... l'agenda du libre | ? | ![]() |
For the status column, you can use the following templates:
for a task that is not attributed / started yet{{Template:Important}}
for a task started but not completed yet{{Template:Check}}
for a closed task
Announce (in french)
L'association Borsalinux organise samedi 8 novembre une journée de test et de rapport de bogues de la version Beta de Fedora 21, au Carrefour numérique de la Cité des Sciences à Paris (30, avenue Corentin-Cariou) de 14 heures à 18 heures. Venez apprendre comment tester Fedora efficacement, comment rédiger un rapport de bogue, et plein d'autres choses. Pensez si possible à ramener un ordinateur avec vous, et, encore mieux, avec une configuration exotique. des live-CD de Fedora 21 seront disponibles.