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Hub page for Docker-on-Fedora links and overview.

Installing Docker

Installing Docker on Fedora 19

Remove the docker package. It conflicts with the docker-io package ( read all about this matter in BZ#1043676).

   $ sudo yum -y remove docker

Install the docker-io package.

   $ sudo yum install -y docker-io

Start the Docker daemon.

   $ sudo systemctl start docker

Note To make Docker start at boot, run sudo systemctl enable docker. Verify that Docker is working.

   $  sudo docker run -i -t fedora /bin/bash

The following happens if there is no local fedora image (local to your machine, as in "the physical one that you are touching (I mean, if you're touching a physical machine. I don't know your circumstances):

 [user@localhost docker]$ sudo docker run -i -t fedora /bin/bash
   					Unable to find image 'fedora' locally
   					Pulling repository fedora
   					b7de3133ff98: Download complete 
   					5cc9e91966f7: Download complete 
   					511136ea3c5a: Download complete 
   					ef52fb1fe610: Download complete 

⁠Test your Docker setup with the busybox container:

  $ sudo docker pull busybox

On 25 May 2014, it took about thirty seconds to pull busybox. Busybox is a minimal Linux system image. Run the following command to run "Hello World" by means of Busybox:

  $ sudo docker run busybox /bin/echo hello world