"If you don't want to be excluded, don't exclude yourself"
Play well with others, follow that advice, most things in life start to fall into place :) I believe that inclusion will be the bes Who is interested in the *Dont Exclude Yourself* group?
- people that don't like extra BS created in life
Working name DEYtime
Politically correct? Is that a goal here? Not really. There are many times PC misses the real issues
- Fedora folks decide they would like to do this
- Input is needed to help guide this
Tasteless jokes can be an issue. Parity and common sense should apply. bad joke is not the same as talking down to women, gay folks etc. Parity. Not as much when there is a TRUST level between people
- being a peer
- This in not meant to address the conspiracy
Silly and overemotional folks from both sides of this important issue can go argue for the sake of arguing. The extremists can go sit in their own room and focus on minutiae. The rest of us can find some common ground and unless there is a legitimate reason; give folks the benefit of the doubt.
The way to deal with a conference that has NO female speakers - is NOT to ask women to speak about being a woman in tech (the unicorn law.) So, we want more women in tech, but, we should not ask them to speak about it? This sounds confusing....
Important stuff
- Our focus should be on making Fedora
- Current diversity data is important. These metrics do have some flaws. As in ALL Asians are the same. Using the "current yardstick" if we have 1 Hmong, Thai, and someone from China; it;s the SAME as 3 Indians. Not to mention that India is a rather large and diverse country.
- people will always try to have a barrier to elude what they don't like, our job will be show that they have it wrong
- There is a small % of people that delight in other's misfortunes. Avoid gotcha mentality.
- Dont call it sexism, homophobia, asshatism - unless it really is- otherwise that hurts REAL causes