I do not accept Fedora media requests directly. Kindly request it through the
FreeMedia program. If I accepetd your request and you did not receive your media (or your media was corrupt) kindly let me know. I shall try and re-send another. Kindly make sure you wait for at least 3 - 4 weeks before sending me an e-mail. Since I am going to grad school I am unable to fullfil your request in a timely fashion.
I accepted requests from the month of June on June 23. The Fedora Media has been shipped and you should receive it by July 16. If you have not received it by that date then contact me. Thank you for your patience.
I accepted requests from the month of May on June 3. The Fedora Media have been shipped and you should have gotten it by June 25. If you have not received it yet contact me so that I can find out what is going on. Thank you for your patience.
Aravind Seshadri
Contact: Send an email
Website: http://www.aravind.name
GPG Key: FF01B81B
Location: Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
I'm Aravind Seshadri a graduate student from Oklahoma State University , Stillwater, Oklahoma. I am a Fedora Ambassador. I haven't really had a chance to work with other Ambassadors in any Fedora event but I am hoping to find an opportunity. I try to help the community by contributing to the Fedora FreeMedia program.
Currently Using
Desktop Environment: Openbox
Mail Client: Evolution
Web Browser: Epiphany, Firefox
FTP Client: Gftp
Image Manipulation: GIMP
Photo Management: f-spot
Vector Graphics: Inkscape
File Manager: Thunar
LaTeX Editor: Kile
Text Editor: gedit
Podcast Client: Gpodder
System Monitor: Conky
Dock: kooldock
Personal Finance: GNUcash