As far as we have seen there is no previous FUDCon focused on goals.
- Provide as much skill transfer between international contributors and local contributors as possible.
- Provide as much training for collaborating with Fedora as possible as a mean to recruit new contributors.
- Produce results such as translation, documentation, packaging and not least important regional working agreements.
- Promote the local collaborators to be known by the rest of the international community.
Organizing Team
(Alphabetically by surname)
- Neville A. Cross Event Owner
- Fernando Espinoza Transportation
- Cristhian Vanessa G Conference and Barcamp
- Aura Lila Gutierrez Promotional and printing materials
- Samuel J. Gutierrez Aviles Hacking
- Eduardo Mayorga Lodging
- William Moreno Budged Tracking
Team members have organized and been part of the staff in small and large events. Small events like university visits, informal gatherings and Fedora release parties. Large events like, Document Freedom Day, FLISOL and Software Freedom Day.
We will be looking to have supporting staff, so current collaborators can make the most of the event. The venue offers a degree program in tourism whose students usually staff events at the university.
Managua is the Capital city of Nicaragua. One distinct feature is that has a lot of concrete cobbled streets. You can not walk the city, you may walk within some neighbourhood, but usually distances are beyond walking distance and there is lack of side walks. The address system is based on landmark references. You may think that Managua is a place "Where streets have no names", but in true is that nobody uses them.
Managua International airport Agusto Cesar Sandino has MGA code (which is very important for internet fare searches). It is serve by Avianca-TACA, Copa, American Airlines, Delta, United, Spirit and Nature Air. You may expect to get connection at Miami, Houston, Atlanta, San Salvador or Panama City. Airport is about 12 kilometers from city center.
Local Transportation
The public transportation is overcrowded. A bus routes map exists and can be found here
There is plenty of taxi cabs but they don't have fare meters. You have to agree on the fare beforehand, and it is expected that you bargain over the price.
October 23th to October 25th, 2014.
This will be at mid rainy season. Temperature will be around 26C / 80F with 50% of rain probability. When rains, usually it is for a short time, most likely at the end of the afternoon.
The schedule we propose tries to address some concerns. It is really difficult to obtain sponsorship if there is not topics. Also it is difficult to invite people with no topics. So we propose to have predefined talks to attract sponsors and public. We want to lower the profile of barcamp, as not many people understand the concept. All local barcamps organized had been social (drinking) activities with no technical part. Going further, we want to produce results, so we need workshops where people do stuff while they learn something. It is a two fold goal.
Day | Time | Activities |
October 23th | Morning Afternoon |
Opening and barcamp votation Pre scheduled talks |
October 24th | Morning Afternoon |
Barcamp Talks, Workshops and hacking |
October 25th | Morning Afternoon Night |
Workshops and hacking Talks and closing FUDPub |
As usual there are informal gathering after the daily activities, we are planning on having a conference room at the hotel. This will be avaliable to meet and engage in further interaction between local and international collaborators. The plan is to have a car to provide transport for those collaborators that live far and where public transportation stops to provide service at certain hours.
We'll have a sports day in Zona Deportiva. The place has pitches for many games such as football, American football, baseball and softball. There are many stores around. After playing we'll have a dinner in there.
The venue is Universidad de Ciencias Comerciales. This is a small university, every building is easy to finger point. Their conference hall is mid size, they have a second conference hall and some small conference rooms and have some medium size labs.
There are many business nearby, like banks, computer stores, mobile cell phone offices, office supply stores, convenience stores and supermarket. UCC has sponsored some free software events in the past.

Our official Hotel is Mansión Teodolinda. It offers a good Internet infrastructure and is offering a meeting room for hacking after hours. It has been offered to provide transport to the venue free of charges. The hotel has airport shuttle service, this is a pending issue to negotiate.
Near by there are some small bars, pharmacy, shopping centre (food court, cinemas and small stands of mobile phone companies) and a gas station (24 hours convenience store and ATM).
Within the campus there is a nice place with picnic tables that can be used for lunch. They have a big place for lunch, and they can provide us lunch if we arrange that beforehand. There are many small places to eat nearby. We can even choose to go to restaurants for lunch, as there are some in reasonable distance.
Pre-registration system
To register for a workshop or hacking session, please go to fudconlatam.org.
Visa information
People from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador only require valid government issued ID to enter Nicaragua.
The rest of countries required valid passport. The passport expiration day should be at least six months later than the entry day. Most country does no require visa. However there is a short list of countries that their nationals require to obtain visa before travelling to Nicaragua. Having in mind countries that have fedora collaborators, people from Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru require visa. This is a decision within the consular office, should be a short time waiting. For some other countries, not relevant to our case, the visa have to be consulted to the inmigration offices at Nicaragua and take longer to be processed. You can consult the complete list at the foreign ministry web site (Spanish)
There is a fee at the migration check point (airport o border) of USD 5.00 applied to foreigners.
As Nicaragua is at the center of Central America, it is possible for people to travel by bus. Both way bus tickets to Managua
City | Ticabus | Transnica | King Quality | Transporte del sol |
Guatemala | (Overnight) Mix USD 140.32 Tourist USD 107.52 |
n/a | (Overnight) Quality USD 138 |
(Overnight) Executive USD 140 |
San Salvador | Executive USD 100 Tourist 60 |
n/a | Platinum USD 102 | Executive USD 99 |
Tegucigalpa | Tourist USD 40 | USD 60 | Platinum USD 82 | n/a |
San Pedro Sula | Tourist USD 64 | n/a | Quality USD 92 | n/a |
San Jose | Executive USD 80 Tourist 56.40 |
Convetional USD 53 Executive USD 73 |
n/a | n/a |
Panama | (Overnight) Executive USD 190.10 Mix USD 162.10 Tourist USD 132.10 |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
Mix =Over night travel that is booked half in executive class and half in tourist class
Direct Fligths
The table below only shows direct flights. You will have to make connection in one of those cities to get to Nicaragua. Prices searched in Orbitz on December 14th, 2013. Travelling to Managua on October 29th and returning November 3th.
City | Air Line | Price |
Miami | American Taca |
USD 436.90 USD 436.90 |
Atlanta | Delta | USD 608.90 |
Houston | United | USD 797.4 |
Guatemala | Taca (1 stop) Copa |
USD 443.10 USD 443.10 |
San Salvador | Taca | USD 298.43 |
San Jose | Copa Taca |
USD 317.81 USD 317.81 |
Panama | Copa Taca (1 stop) |
USD 590.10 USD 579.40 |
It is possible that a flight from Panama stops in San José, Costa Rica, for 30 minutes without need to change plane. The flight from Panama by Taca, goes up North to San Salvador, change planes and then returning South to Nicaragua.
Conecting Flights
The table below is for long distance flights that requires connections. Searches made in Orbitz on December 14th, 21013. Travelling to Nicaragua on October 29th and returning November 3rd 2014
City | Air Line | Price |
São Paulo - Brazil | Copa (1 stop) | USD 1,141.56 |
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil | Copa (1 stop) | USD 1,139.52 |
Caracas - Venezuela | TACA (1 stop) | USD 2,512.80 |
Valencia - Venezuela | Insel/TACA (3 stops) | USD 1,149.60 |
Bogota - Colombia | TACA (1 stop) | USD 948.90 |
Quito - Ecuador | Copa (1 stop) | USD 946.56 |
Lima - Peru | TACA (1 stop) | USD 1,229.74 |
Cuzco - Peru | LAN/COPA (2 stops) | USD 1,591.01 |
Santiago - Chile | Copa (1 stop) | USD 1,333.50 |
Asunción - Paraguay | COPA (1 stop) | USD 1,114.30 |
Montevideo - Uruguay | COPA (1 stop) | USD 1,616.90 |
Buenos Aires - Argentina | Copa (1 stop) | USD 1,283.72 |
Córdoba - Argentina | Copa (1 stop) | USD 1,531.52 |
- Instructions
- Please add your name to the list if you will attend. Also, please indicate the following:
- Put an X in the $$$ column if you need funding to attend, and visit the FUDCon ticket tracker to make a funding request. We have a limited budget and will work hard to fund as many people as possible. We'll use these answers to help figure out budgeting for the event. We are making arrangements for attendees from other geographic regions to encourage specific initiatives such as future FUDCon events, but preference may otherwise be given to people in North America.
- Put a V in the Veg column if you would like vegetarian fare for any meals that we provide during the event. If you prefer vegan fare, please mark that column VV. We will do our best to make sure everyone is accommodated! Note: "Hell No" and similar statements are offensive to some and should not be included in this column.
- Put your T-shirt size in the Size column, so we can have an idea about what sizes to have available. Only Unisex (Mens Sizes will be ordered)
- Roomsharing:
- If you want or need to share a room, mark yes in the "Roomshare?" column.
- Once you have a roommate, both of you should mark your roommate's name in the block as well.
- If you need a roommate, look for someone with just a yes in the column, and contact them via email. If you encounter any problems, let the organizers know.
- Use the Comments section for anything else you think organizers need to know, or to offer or ask for space or rides.
# | Name | $$$ | Veg | Size | Share room? | Comments | Hotel booked | extra line for badge | Country | TEAM |
1 | Neville A. Cross | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
2 | Fernando Espinoza | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
3 | Cristhian Vanessa G | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
4 | Aura Lila Gutierrez | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
5 | Samuel J. Gutierrez Aviles | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
6 | Eduardo Mayorga | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
7 | William Moreno | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
9 | Alejandro Pérez | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | Aeperezt | Panama | Ambassadors, Packagers, Ruby Sig, Translators | |
10 | Luis Bazan | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | lbazan | Panama | Ambassadors, FAmSCo, Packagers, Infra, Translators, Docs | |
11 | Itamar Reis Peixoto | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | itamarjp | Brazil | Ambassador, Packager | |
12 | Marcel Ribeiro Dantas | Yes | NO | Small | Yes | No | mribeirodantas | Brazil | Ambassador, Localization, Marketing | |
13 | María "tatica" Leandro | Yes | NO | Medium | Yes | No | tatica, la del cabello azul | Venezuela | Ambassador, Marketing, Design, Infra, Woman, Websites | |
14 | Edwind Contreras | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | Richzendy | Venezuela | Ambassador, Packagers, Infra | |
15 | Abdel Martinez | Yes | NO | Small | Yes | No | Potty | Panama | Ambassador, Packagers | |
16 | Kiara Navarro | Yes | NO | Small | Yes | No | kovalevsky | Panama | Ambassador, FEL, Packager | |
17 | Guillermo Gómez | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | Gomix | Venezuela | Docs, Ruby Sig, Packagers | |
18 | Daniel Bruno | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | Dbruno | Brazil | Ambassadors, Cloud, Big Data, Packagers, Infra | |
19 | Wolnei Junior | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | wolnei | Brazil | Ambassadors, QA - Tester, Freemedia, KDE and Spins SIG | |
20 | Eduardo Echeverria | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | echevemaster | Venezuela | Ambassadors, Bugzapper, Tester, Sponsor, Provenpackager, Infra, Localization | |
21 | Yohan Graterol | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | yograterol | Colombia | Ambassadors, Tester, Infra, Packagers | |
22 | Rino Rondan | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | villadalmine | Argentina | Ambassadors, Packagers | |
23 | Bernardo C. Hermitaño A | Yes | NO | Medium | Yes | No | bernardoha | Perú | Ambassadors, Educators | |
24 | Ariel O. Barria | Yes | NO | Medium | Yes | No | arielb | Panamá | infra | |
25 | William Moreno Reyes | NO | NO | Medium | No | No | williamjmorenor | Nicaragua | Ambassadors | |
26 | Truong Anh Tuan | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | tuanta | Vietnam | Ambassadors, FAmSCo, CWG, Package Maintainers, FAmA | |
27 | Robert Mayr | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | robyduck | Italy | Ambassadors, FAmSCo, Websites, Infra | |
28 | Amita Sharma | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | Amita | India | Fedora QA, Ambassadors, Fedora Magazine | |
29 | Walter D. Vargas | No | NO | Medium | No | No | Nicaragua | |||
30 | Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | tonet666p | Perú | Ambassadors | |
31 | Gonzalo Nina M. | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | lorddemon | Bolivia | Ambassadors | |
32 | Yader Velásquez | No | NO | No | No | Nicaragua | ||||
33 | Julita Inca | No | NO | Medium | No | No | Perú | Ambassadors | ||
34 | Ramilton Costa Gomes Júnior | Yes | NO | Medium | Yes | No | Ramilton | Brazil | Ambassadors, Freemedia, Translation, QA - Tester | |
35 | Andres Antonio Pascasio | Yes | NO | Large | Yes | No | Morpheusv | El Salvador | Ambassadors, Freemedia, Packagers | |
36 | Joel Dávila | No | NO | Medium | No | No | Nicaragua | |||
37 | Efren Antonio Robledo | Yes | No | Medium | Yes | Share with Oscar creatura | No | srkraken | Mexico | |
38 | Oscar Creatura | Yes | Yes | Medium | Yes | Yes share with srkraken | No | Oscar Creatura | Mexico | |
39 | Wilfredo Porta | No | NO | Medium | No | No | Nicaragua |
Link | Subject | Author (Uploader) |
Link | Subject | Uploaded by |
https://plus.google.com/events/gallery/cfnv15t7a15t0op4k6n8e97lqf8 | Photo Gallery on G+ Event Page | the community |
The current budget is made with certain assumptions that may change in the upcoming months. We think that we will have a crew of 40, including organizing team (10), people giving talks (20) and supporting staff (10). Most likely this will be reduced. This is our starting point. There has been short time to call for sponsorship and the holidays season has not helped. We are aware that there will be some minor expenses like printing identification tags, and some more important expenses like printing posters for promoting the event. But our goal is to show that there is a remainder budget to sponsor travelling. We expect to have ups and downs, as less travelling sponsored will reduce expenses which in turn will provide more budget for sponsoring until it find an equilibrium. We hope that we can sponsor people travelling by bus from nearby countries.
Item | Description | Price |
Drinks | water and soda bottles | USD 235 |
Venue | Conference Halls | USD 0 |
Rooms | 10 double rooms for four days | USD 2106 |
food | 3 day lunch for 40 people | USD 960 |
fud pub | rent and food (40 persons) | USD 665 |
t-shirts | 150 units | USD 0 |
booklets | 300 units | USD 113 |
Banners | 4 units to show our sponsors | USD 80 |
USD 4159 |
Full sponsors list can be found at [1].