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Goal of this change is to pack Elasticsearch into main fedora repo.


  • Name: Jiri Vanek
  • Email:
  • Release notes owner:

Current status

Detailed Description

The Elasticsearch is fully-featured self-standing opensource indexing server. Many people and many tools do use it. And many people do wont it in Fedora. Aim of this Change is to make elastic search available by simple yum install elasticsearch, and of course enable it as dependence. To build a custom indexing tool on top of elastic search is more easy then current upstream install and download.

Benefit to Fedora

Users of fedora will be able yum install elasticsearch, will be able to use it as dependence and use it in current project without fighting with monolithic upstream installation.


  • Proposal owners:
    • pack Elasticsearch - nearly done - see RHBZ#902086
    • make it somehow works
    • verify it works
    • tune list of crucial depnedences
    • enable Elasticsearch as service - something what have to be decided
  • Other developers:
    • This is crucial part of this proposal
    • Elastic search is extremely tuned application, and like it, its dependences must be strictly kept in correct versions
    • Currently known troublemakers:
      • lucene
      • netty3
      • sigar
  • Release engineering:
    • Nothing I'm aware about.
  • Policies and guidelines:
    • Nothing I'm aware about.

Upgrade/compatibility impact

  • when Elasticsearch is updated, all its dependencies must be aligned to exact versions it needs
  • Non of its dependencies can be updated, unless Elasticsearch is known to work on it
  • The list of such restricted despondencies must evolve - currently those three "troublemakers"

How To Test

  • yum install elasticsearch
    • start it/use its service
  • send json request, accept reply

User Experience

Users are able to use packed Elasticsearch after custom run on some port, or as sevice on known port.


No known project is aiming to be packed with Elasticsource as dependence in close future, but the grow of packages requesting it can be expected. Currently known third party users who will welcome this packed are NSA (yes, that' NSA) and Searchisko (hidden jboss documentation bounding tool)

Contingency Plan

  • Contingency mechanism: (What to do? Who will do it?)
    • Although I'm initiator of this, I hope from help from other people around bug 902086 and people around Searchisko.
    • Considering the status of the build, the only expected failure is in despondences - that we will not be able to agree on versions
    • Another failure may raise when some capital dependence change owener and he will notbe aware about Elasticsearch boundaries
  • Contingency deadline: Ugh... You tell me...
  • Blocks release? Cureently I would say yes
  • Blocks product? no


Release Notes