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This is a DRAFT.

DAP Packaging guidelines

DevAssistant provides an easy extendability through Assistants. These assistants are normally distributed via the DevAssistant Package Index in the form of DAP (DevAssistant Package) files. If you want to include a DAP into the main Fedora repositories, you can do so. This document outlines the rules involved.

Note: Packaged DAPs only work with DevAssistant 0.10.0 and newer. They can not be used with DevAssistant versions 0.9.* packaged in Fedora 21 and earlier.

How to package a DAP

We recommend you use the tool dap2rpm, which creates a SPEC file from your DAP automatically. It is packaged in Fedora Rawhide and 21's repositories as dap2rpm.

Naming guidelines

  • Every (RPM) package name must start with dap-, which is followed by the name of the Assistant itself, all lowercase. For example, the DAP named Openscad will be named dap-openscad in the SPEC file.
  • There is no difference between packages that provide Assistants, and those that provide only auxiliary files, snippets, metapackages etc.


  • All packages must Require devassistant-ui. This means that the user has at least one user interface for DevAssistant installed, so they can use the DAP without futher installing anything.
  • Requires: devassistant is not allowed, as that would install more packages for DA than the user may intend or need.
  • All packages must BuildRequire devassistant-devel. (for macros, installation and lint)
  • Each package must Require packages that are specified in the file /meta.yaml in the section dependencies. These names, of course, must contain the dap- prefix. These Requires are generated automatically by dap2rpm.


  • All daps must be architecture independent, i. e. BuildArch: noarch.


  • The macro denoting the parent directory where the package files go is %{assistant_path}. This currently expands to /usr/share/devassistant.

Prep section

  • DAP must be unpacked with setup like other packages, it is not permissible to install the source DAP directly.
  • If needed, you may patch the source files in this section.

Build section

  • You must re-pack the (optionally patched) DAP in the %build section using the macro %repack_assistant. This is needed for installing and checking.

Install section

  • Normally, all files are installed via the %install_assistant macro
  • If installed manually, the package files are installed into %{buildroot}%{assistant_path} in subdirectories conforming to the DAP layout, i. e. the assistants/crt/foo directory is installed into %{buildroot}%{assistant_path}/assistants/crt/foo.

Check section

  • You must run the %check_assistant macro in the %check section, and it must pass.
  • If run manually, you must run the command da pkg lint -w  %{shortname}-%{version}.dap (or similar, if your package's name differs). The lint must produce no errors. Warnings are permissible.

Files section

  • Package's files and directories are installed into %{assistant_path}.
  • Do not install everything like %{assistant_path}/*, list each folder separately (e. g. assistants, snippets, icons, etc.).
  • The doc directory in the DAP should be installed via the %doc macro, in the same %{assistant_path} directory.
  • The meta.yaml file must be installed as %{assistant_path}/meta/%{shortname}.yaml.

Sample SPEC

%global shortname openscad

Name:           dap-%{shortname}
Version:        0.0.2
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        Create 3D printing projects for OpenSCAD

BuildArch:      noarch

License:        GPLv3+ and GPLv2 with exceptions

BuildRequires:  devassistant-devel
Requires:       devassistant-ui
Requires:       dap-common_args
Requires:       dap-git
Requires:       dap-github

This assistants helps you to create new OpenSCAD project for 3D printing.
We use it in our 3D printing lab to store our 3D printers on Github.

Projects created with this assistant have a `Makefile` to build the 3D models form OpenSCAD sources.
To do so, run `make`. You can also generate the images by `make images` or print plates with `make arrange`.
Observe the generated `Makefile` to see all available options.

%setup -q -n %{shortname}-%{version}




%doc %{assistant_path}/doc/%{shortname}

* Thu Dec 11 2014 Tomas Radej <> - 0.0.2-1
Initial package