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Revision as of 13:59, 12 January 2015 by Aswin22 (talk | contribs)
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IRC Nick : aswin

Channels Found In : #fedora, #fedora-india,#feodra-arm,#fedora-join,#pyconindia,#yocto,#poky

Email :

Phone No : + 91 9995926084

Country : India

State : Kerala

About me

Hi I am Aswin Venu, An Engieering graduate student from Pavai Collge of technology, Pachal, Namakkal,Tamil Nadu. I am a FOSS developer and Hacker. I contribute to open source projects like fedora, Mozilla,Wikipedia, yocto etc. Currently working with embedded projects and fedora-arm. I have handfull of arm boards to play around. I teach my friends about basics microcontrollers and microprocessor. I am maintaining a github page For embedded related querries please feel free to contact me.

Where I get started

I have started using a linux distro from my highshool time. There we have introduced to a linux distro called IT@School. This was a program initiated by government of kerala in association with FSF (Free Software Foundation). Even though we use a linux os we didn't care or know what exactly Linux is !. In higher secondary school time I again became a Windows user :(. Things change from my first year at college. I have reading a lot of articles on linux every where. But still I can't able to find a Linux distro in my college. So i decided to change my Operating Syatem for a while. From there I never changed to windows. Now I have a few friends who installed fedora on their laptop. I started with Ubuntu 10.04( At that time ubuntu don't do stupid things).After 2 year getting intermediate user in Linux I decided to Change to Fedora. Prof:Prabhat Ranjan who is the Executive Director of TIFAC ( technology Information forecasting and Assessment Council), New Delhi. Introduce me to fedora18. He was using fedora.That was my internship period in TIFAC, New Delhi. There I used to develop my entire project on fedora. Currently I am using fedora 21 on my samsung i386 laptop.