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Revision as of 21:54, 16 July 2008 by Fab (talk | contribs) (New page: = HTML Log = {| |- | style="background-color: #407a40" | fabian_a | style="color: #407a40" colspan="2" | Welcome everybody. Let's have Fedora Ambassadors Meeting EMEA. It's 20.00 UTC |-...)
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fabian_a Welcome everybody. Let's have Fedora Ambassadors Meeting EMEA. It's 20.00 UTC
* spevack is here
Milanito lets have it
fabian_a i guess a lot of ambassadors are around
fabian_a let's start...please state your wiki name please (aka roll call)
rsc RobertScheck
Milanito MatthieuRondeau
spevack Max Spevack
* stickster has changed the topic to: Fedora Ambassadors meeting
spevack stickster: hi!
petreu_ PeterReuschlein
* stickster has changed the topic to: Fedora Ambassadors EMEA
rsc Well, wiki name? User:robert
red_alert SandroMathys
nihed NihedMbarek
fcrippa FrancescoCrippa
sdziallas SebastianDziallas
MrTom ThomasCanniot
bochecha MathieuBridon
fabian_a stickster: thanks
SePhIr0tH RichardRondu
fabian_a FabianAffolter
spevack I love seeing all these people here!
Pikachu_2015 MohamedElmorabity
kital JoergSimon
* stickster didn't clean up well after himself, sorry
stickster Uh oh, we left the coffee pot on, too.
mether RahulSundaram
fugolini FrancescoUgolini
stickster Holy moley, I wish this was the Docs meeting :-D
cwickert cwickert
fabian_a Just a reminder. We'll still follow our meeting protocol to make this meeting quick and efficient. . Thank you
red_alert I wish there were always so many ppl at our meetings ;)
fabian_a sorry, wiki name is not correct anymore but good to see that most attendees can remember the old style
fabian_a Now, please open our meeting page at for the agenda
fabian_a 1. News from FAmSCo
fabian_a i would like to pass the ball to fugolini because I was off the during the last month
fugolini Thank you
spevack after fugolini, i will say a few words
zydoon Hi
fabian_a spevack: thank you
fugolini i don't want to discuss about budget
Gaaruto BourdouleixSylvain
fugolini personally i want only to underline the importance to have feedback from the community to better adress our work
fugolini we discussed about the local situations, and i think it would be a great thing to know what you need and what you want to see from FAmSCo
fugolini just this. eof
spevack !
fabian_a spevack, please
spevack I'd like to add a little bit to what fugolini is saying. First of all,
spevack I think everyone in EMEA community should be very proud of themselves
spevack because you are setting an example for how to run an Ambassadors program in a large continent with many different languages
spevack and it is wonderful work.
spevack From the FAMSCo perspective, I want to mention two things:
spevack 1) We are in the process of making sure that we have a list of all the events that will take place from September - November
spevack so please make sure, if you have an event, or you know about an event, that you add it to the page
spevack 2) FAMSCo will be making another contribution to Fedora EMEA e.V. in August -- not sure what the exact amount will be yet, but probably 1500 - 2000 EUR
spevack fabian_a: should I talk more about Fedora EMEA e.v. now, or later?
jdieter JonathanDieter
fabian_a we can talk later about Fedora EMEA
spevack ok, then as far as FAMSCo, that is all for me. EOF. Any questions or comments?
fabian_a ok, next
fabian_a kital: would you like to tell us something your work for the Ambassadors Membership Verification Service?
spevack kital: your work on that is *excellent* :)
spevack thank you so much
fugolini +1
kital thanks for the flowers
kital wait i had i had 227 Konversations since Linuxtag
kital we had 148 Requests for membership
kital eof
fabian_a kital: thanks
bochecha ?
fabian_a bochecha,
bochecha sorry if I am a bit late on this, but what exactly is this membership verification service ?
bochecha eof
kital !
fabian_a kital,
kital bochecha: this is simple the process to approve and guide new Ambassadors into the Probation Period and Membership
kital eof
fabian_a anything else about membership verification? questions?
fabian_a no?
* fcrippa_ is back... (sorry, umts connection....)
fabian_a next
spevack bochecha: kital has done excellent work in helping to automate this process, and build infrastructure around it
spevack EOF'
fabian_a LUG Radio Live?
spevack sure
spevack This is a comparatively small event.
spevack I am giving one of the "keynote" speeches.
spevack it will be similar to the speech I gave at LinuxTag during our FUDCon
spevack because that message -- of how we build our community and prioritize the decisions that we make -- is one we are trying to spread
spevack I was hoping that JonathanRoberts would be able to attend the event, but it didn't work out.
spevack So there will only be a few other Red Hat people there, who are in the UK.
spevack but I will be representing Fedora
spevack and hoping to recruit a few new people to the project
spevack mostly, we are going to that event because the organizers asked me to speak.
spevack EOF
fabian_a spevack: thanks for the details
fabian_a FrOSCon 2008?
spevack I will write an event report for Fedora Planet and ambassadors list
* spevack looks at red_alert :)
RodrigoPadula hi guys,
RodrigoPadula famsco meeting ?
spevack hi RodrigoPadula: Fedora EMEA meeting, actually
fabian_a RodrigoPadula: yes
fabian_a RodrigoPadula: no, ambassadors meeting
red_alert me? uhm...I think there's nothing new on FrOSCon that's on on the mailing list. I hope the other organizers are doing something too ;)
spevack RodrigoPadula: ping fugolini in #fedora-mktg and he'll tell you about FAMSCo
spevack red_alert: ok, so let's talk about what needs to be done.
spevack what needs to be done?
red_alert I won't be able to attend the event as I announced so I was hoping for the other owners (spevack and romal) to take over
spevack red_alert: I missed your announcement, I'm sorry.
spevack so, what needs to be done? We know that we have a speaking slot.
red_alert you wrote the list what's needed yourself ;)
spevack i believe that we need to figure out what to do about some swag for the event.
spevack red_alert: obviously I am a bit confused tonight :)
spevack ok, so mostly the needs are swag
red_alert I think you definately need an accomodation before anything else ;)
spevack red_alert: yes, that is true :)
spevack I wanted to ask in this meeting, either Gerold or kital, if we can make some shirts from a company here that we have used before? tshirts, maybe?
spevack I would like to pay for them from Fedora EMEA budget, and use them for various events
spevack but I do not have the contacts with the companies. and maybe other folks do?
kital !
spevack kital: go ahead!
spevack please! :)
kital i will make it!
kital eof
spevack kital: ok, I will send you email and we can figure out design, quantity, sizes, etc.?
kital yes!
spevack ok. Great.
spevack Then I think we are mostly ok for FrOSCon, at least for this meeting.
spevack EOF
red_alert eof
spevack kital: i will follow up with you tomorrow, ok?
fabian_a thank you guys
spevack fabian_a: you wanted to talk about Open Expo?
fabian_a in September after FUDCon the autumn edition of the annual Swiss open source event named OpenExpo will take place at Winterthur
fabian_a it's a small event with around 1000 visitors
fabian_a for detail check
fabian_a if you want to join us, please drop me a line...
GeroldKa !
fabian_a GeroldKa,
GeroldKa me wants to drop the line; I have 6 OLPC for you for OpenExpo
GeroldKa and also from now until then with a small interrupt of two weeks
GeroldKa eof
spevack GeroldKa: where did you get 6 OLPCs??? that is incredible
spevack GeroldKa: hello, by the way :)
GeroldKa and also sorry for late I worked until now
GeroldKa hi there max
red_alert just as a sidenote: we don't have space at openexpo for 6 olpc
fabian_a with 6 olpcs we will ahve a problem with the space at ypur so called booth
spevack maybe we don't bring all 6 to Open Expo :)
GeroldKa it`s up to you, but I have them borrowed (also for OpenExpo)
GeroldKa if you don't want them ...
fabian_a but it's good to know that this machines are only 100 km away
GeroldKa OK, no doubt
GeroldKa I found some other guys who want to have them at that time
spevack fabian_a: FAMSCo will allocate official budget for OpenExpo in August, when FAMSCo makes all the budget planning for Q3 (September - November). But you know this since you are in FAMSCo ;)
spevack but it is an important event
spevack jan wildeboer from red hat will be there
spevack and several other Red Hat people
spevack there will be meetings about Open Standards, I think, that Jan will be in
spevack one of the things that I am going to try to do for all of us soon is get a list from Andrea Schneider of all the events that Red Hat Marketing is going to in EMEA, so that we can always know when there is overlap with Fedora Events.
spevack EOF
fabian_a in September there will be a lot of events...FUDCon, OpenExpo, PCL, GITEX, and on and on
fabian_a some more about events?
MrTom !
spevack ! (but MrTom first)
fabian_a MrTom,
MrTom about the events, what is also important is to keep up to date the pages of the wiki. And I know for sure that it is a very difficult exercice.
MrTom however it helps a lot to know who / what /when / why when FAMSCO is allocating budgets to your events, so please keep this in mind. Up to date pages is not useless at all
MrTom eof
fabian_a spevack,
spevack I want to quickly mention FUDCon
spevack I will be updating the page in great detail tomorrow or Friday, before I leave for UK and LUG Radio Live
spevack But we know that it will be in Czech Republic (Brno), September 5-7. Saturday Sep. 6 will be the most "important" day.
spevack Also I will be able to give hotel information soon. It seems very inexpensive, especially if people share a room.
spevack More information next week... but I hope that many people can go. We will do one FUDCon in EMEA every year.
spevack This year in Czech Republic.
spevack Next year, somewhere else! :)
spevack EOF
spevack also, there will be special FUDCon tshirts. EOF
GeroldKa I prefer Switzerland next year
red_alert +1 ;)
GeroldKa I also offered you University of Basel as Event Place
fabian_a +1
kital +1
zydoon +1
stickster Any time
* stickster hits wrong channel, sorry
fugolini !
fabian_a fugolini,
spevack And maybe next year we will do that. The Czech Repbulic was chosen specially this year because it is very important that we involve the Red Hat engineers in that country more deeply in Fedora community. When we plan 2009 FUDCon EMEA, we will discuss all options for location.
spevack GeroldKa: any place we can get a relationship with a university is very interesting to me.
spevack we will be at a university in Brno also
spevack EOF
red_alert I'd also know a company in Switzerland who'd help us with some money if we'd do it here. eof
fugolini I think it would be better to chose a city near a cheap airport, I think we have to make a list of chear airline
fugolini *cheap airlines by country and the countries they cover
fcrippa fugolini: +1
spevack fugolini: great idea
fugolini e.g. For Basel a flight in october cost 400€
GeroldKa and to Brno?
fugolini this means that if i book the flight in september it will cost 500€
GeroldKa or Zurich?
GeroldKa or Stuttgart?
fugolini GeroldKa: Brno, direct flight 400, i think i'll take a cheap flight
kital Mallorca
fugolini from Wien or Prague
spevack !
fugolini eof
fabian_a spevack,
spevack I also will travel to Paris on August 2 to meet with MrTom and as many people from the Fedora-fr community as we can gather.
MrTom (about 15)
spevack I am looking forward to that, because it will allow us to plan and discuss things in that country in great detail
GeroldKa Aaarghs
GeroldKa its 500 kms
spevack EOF from me
fabian_a anything else about the upcoming FUDCon?
Milanito we are very glad you are coming spevack
spevack fabian_a: nothing else right now. I will email ambassadors-list when i have more updates
spevack Milanito: me too!
fabian_a spevack: thanks
red_alert spevack: don't forget to mention the weekly meetings about fudcon ;)
spevack right. we have a weekly planning meeting on Tuesdays at 13:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting
spevack for FUDCon Brno
spevack red_alert: thank you :)
spevack EOF
fabian_a now...FAD EMEA
fabian_a spevack or red_alert please
red_alert well, we wanted to get an idea of what people think
spevack red_alert: you go ahead :)
red_alert how they liked/disliked about the last FAD EMEA near Basel at the German/Swiss border
red_alert place, duration, topics, lodging, fun/fringe events, food, everything
red_alert in order to make it even better this year, we need some feedback
red_alert so please go to the event site that max posted above and tell us
red_alert we'd also like to hear ideas about how to spend the budget...on travel, lodging, fun activities, ...
wonderer1 hy
red_alert if you have an idea in what city we could do it and maybe have good reasons to prefer that city - tell us
red_alert what did I forget, spevack?
spevack there are several questions and items to comment on in the wiki page. feel free to leave your comments.
spevack red_alert: you got it all
MrTom !
red_alert questions / comments right now?
GeroldKa I thought you want to "rename my Baby" Max
GeroldKa as: Fedora Activity Day
spevack GeroldKa: that is a separate idea, but it also uses the FAD acronym. I haven't had time to pursue that idea yeat
spevack s/yeat/yet
spevack MrTom:
spevack you had a comment?
* wonderer1 raises hand ;-)
MrTom about spending the budget, it always remains difficult to know what to spend it on. There used to have a discussion about financing lodging and not travel, so as every people are equal in the eyes of famso, however we are not equal in term of distance / travel and i think that we shloud finance traveling
wonderer1 may I something ask. maybe I d
spevack wonderer1: go ahead
MrTom so as to fight againt inequalities among us. Financing travel for the farthest pple, and lodging for the closest.
MrTom eof
spevack wonderer1: you go, then I will respond to MrTom with my thoughts, and then see what other people think
wonderer1 maybe i did'nt get a / the remindermail to this meeting. Or isnt there such a mail lets say hald a day before..?!
spevack wonderer1: that was a typo, a second mail was sent out fixing it.
spevack wonderer1: sorry for any confusion!
wonderer1 spevack: Ok. because I did'nt get yet any Announcement Mail today. I think several days ago some goes over the list. Baut "today" (lets say "last reminder" ... I will check this next time ;-) Thanks.
spevack MrTom: I tend to agree with you. Speaking in general, when I manage the Fedora budget on the whole, I try to make sure that budget goes to the people who need it the most. I also try to make sure it is generally balanced, but if one person gets more support than another, it doesn't bother me as long as everyone is getting as much help as we can give them, and as they need.
spevack But I do not want to dictate policy for all of you.
spevack I think that it is necessary for us to first have a full balance of the money that Fedora EMEA e.V. has.
MrTom !
spevack we can add to that the money we know will come to Fedora EMEA e.V. from Red Hat and Fedora Project
spevack and then we can decide as a group how to spend it.
spevack one of the things I will also do in the next week or two is give a full Treasurer report for Fedora EMEA e.V. I have all the documents, I just need to go through them.
spevack EOF
fabian_a MrTom,
MrTom or maybe decide of an amount of money to give to people to help them to come, and let them decide how to give it away
MrTom eof
wonderer1 is maybe there a statistic how much % on small / middle / big events was spend on travel, accomondation, food & drinks, merchandising, Fedore CD/DVD, etc.?
fabian_a wonderer1: can you please follow the meeting protocol tnhanks
GeroldKa !
fabian_a GeroldKa,
GeroldKa MrTom, I also thought about that idea
GeroldKa but I personally follow the item
GeroldKa the same amount for every attendee
GeroldKa or at best pay the same amount for everyone for the room
GeroldKa that fair to everybody and als transparent to everybody
GeroldKa eof
spevack !
kital +1
fabian_a spevack,
spevack wonderer1: we have some metrics. For LinuxTag, we have very detailed breakdowns of hotel cost, travel cost, food cost, etc.
spevack for smaller events, we tend to give some budget to the event organizer and let that person decide how best to spend it
spevack LinuxTag and FUDcon are special cases
wonderer1 !
spevack GeroldKa: I think transparency is the key. As long as we are transparent about where the money goes, people can make comments. I believe that with the Fedora Budget the last 2.5 years (or however long I have been doing Fedora), we are the most transparent of any Linux Distribution in the world, and we will keep doing this. Also with Fedora EMEA e.V. -- I am just a little bit behind :)
spevack EOF
fabian_a wonderer1,
wonderer1 spaveck, yes thats what I mean. Can there be made some matrix as "if planing try 10% for boothrent, 25-30% travel, etc." so someone is new to that (espacially Ambassadors) can plan that. Then ther would maybe not so often be a discussion or confusion.
wonderer1 I do planning on Europewide Events for several years
wonderer1 but
wonderer1 that is often planning on a small team. At bigger events that could help i Think. Also what MrTom says "on what i can spend wich amounT" etc. can better be planned
wonderer1 and
spevack wonderer1: those are all good points. I can go back to the linuxTag budget and see what the percentages were.
wonderer1 the Budget Plan someone gives to Fedora "I need xyz for this Event" could better verified and compared.
spevack that will give some idea
wonderer1 eof
spevack EOF from me too. i will get back to you
* fcrippa 's laptop battery is near to be dead... another 5-10 minutes...
spevack fabian_a: what else?
GeroldKa next year, we have to pay for booth (at Linuxtag btw.)
* kital has to go
fabian_a i guess we are done for today...
fabian_a we skip the "open floor"
spevack GeroldKa: We will factor that into budget
spevack GeroldKa: for next year's linuxtag
spevack GeroldKa: and you and i will plan in advance with andrea and marion :)_
spevack fabian_a: I just want to say thank you for running the meeting, and thank you to everyone for coming!
fabian_a anything else? Any more questions or issues before we close this meeting?
* wonderer1 claps hands
* Sonar_Guy has quit ("Leaving")
fabian_a 5
fabian_a 4
fabian_a 3
fabian_a 2
fcrippa can we consider 5-6-7 of September "official" and "definitive" date for FUDCon?
spevack fcrippa: yes
fcrippa (just in time :-)
spevack fcrippa: we have space booked at university in Brno for those dates
fabian_a acc. to spevack the date is fixed
fcrippa spevack: great!
fabian_a 1
fabian_a 0
red_alert reminder for everyone: don't forget to post your ideas about the upcoming FAD on - we need your opinions!
fcrippa fugolini: we can organize our trip
spevack fabian_a: thank you!
fabian_a Fedora Ambassadors Meeting EMEA 2008-07-16 has been adjourned. Next meeting in August 2008.

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