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Fedora Release Engineering Meeting :: Monday 2007-11-05


  • off to the mirrors; torrents are in progress
  • later this afternoon hope to get a push of F8 updates(-testing) done and drop the mirror-manager redirect
  • F8 is unlocked in bodhi so the requests will now show up in the list.
  • 170 0-day updates so far

Post F8

  • implement new development cycle
  • change of names from "development" tree to "rawhide"
  • making these changes early next week
  • f13 to send out a proposal
  • we need to prioritize F8Target blocker bug
  • other details in IRC transcript

IRC Transcript


f13jeremy: notting: rdieter: wwoods: jwb: spot: warren: poelcat: ping13:02
* poelcat present13:02
* wwoods almost here13:04
* jeremy is here13:04
f13I'll give it a few more minutes13:05
* wwoods here13:10
f13well, we're in a holding pattern for Fedora 8 now.13:11
f13It's going to mirrors, torrents are in progress13:11
f13I made the bugzilla entry today13:11
f13and later this afternoon I hope to get a push of F8 updates(-testing) done and drop the mirror-manager redirect13:12
lmackenf13: just unlocked F8 in bodhi, so the requests will now show up in the list.13:13
wwoodscool. how many 0-day updates are we looking at right now?13:13
wwoodsthat's updates-testing day 0. how many of those have actually requested a push to stable?13:14
lmacken68 stable13:16
lmacken97 testing13:16
lmackenwhich means there are 5 not submitted13:16
* lmacken is thinking about making updates get auto-submitted to testing.. and still allow people to push right to stable.13:17
f13lmacken: or just nag mail for things unsubmitted13:18
lmackenthat would work too.. but with the cli doing a single command would be nice, instead of create, then submit.13:19
f13So, post f8 stuff.13:29
-!- f13 changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Post F813:29
f13We have the new development cycle to implement13:30
f13mostly that means changing the Overview page and making sure the new schedule follows suit13:30
f13We also wanted to do an s/development/rawhide/ on the mirror13:31
wwoodsand probably s/devel/rawhide/ in bugzilla versions13:31
wwoodsWe talked before a little bit about giving releases names at the start of the cycle13:33
EvilBobWasn't there talk of dropping the "rawhide" name?13:34
jeremyEvilBob: back in FC1, yes13:34
wwoodsI think mostly we just haven't been clear on the fact that 'rawhide' *is* the internal codename for the new product13:34
jeremyEvilBob: we're going back... what's old is new and all that :)13:34
rdieterretro rawhide13:34
wwoodsf13: so F9Alpha, F9Beta, F9PR1, ... F913:38
wwoods(PR1 subject to change)13:39
wwoodshow are those going to be numbered? 8.91, 8.92, 8.93, ... 9?13:39
wwoodsso pre-Alpha rawhide will be.. 8.90?13:40
f13I thik that's what I set it for13:40
f13but if we are going to change development/rawhide/ I have to update it again anyway13:40
wwoodsI remember seeing a couple of exchanges like: "do you have the development repository enabled?" "no, I'm not doing software development, I just want to run rawhide"13:41
wwoodsare we going to change the repo file name?13:42
f13hrm, good question.13:43
f13we probably should13:44
f13but... that may leave folks in an odd lurch13:44
wwoodsoh, true. how do we determine the initial state of the 'rawhide' repo? it should match 'development'13:45
f13not only that, but introducing a new file, and removing an old one, will keep the old one around, maybe as .rpmsave though13:46
wwoodsI have a feeling the window for a change like this is open right now but closing rapidly13:47
f13yeah, we'd have to announce now and give folks some time to prepare.13:48
f13(read mirrors)13:48
wwoodsI'd like for skvidal / notting / jeremy / etc. to weigh in on this before we start changing things13:48
wwoodswould we change the name of the dir on the mirrors too?13:48
* rdieter wants T-shirts: LIve 'n die by rawhide, livin la vida rawhide13:48
f13I'd like to do this in a way that we don't make the mirrors have to resync everything.13:48
f13wwoods: yes.13:48
* skvidal reads up on what I'm weighing in on13:48
f13wwoods: it doesn't make sense to do this half assed.13:49
wwoodswe can change the name of the repo, the *filename* of the repo, and the bugzilla version13:49
wwoodswithout touching mirror layout13:49
skvidalah, okay13:49
f13wwoods: but then the baseurl for rawhide points to development/13:49
skvidalso we're changing things to say 'rawhide' everywhere13:49
skvidalare we going to manually [re] move those files in %scriptlets or are we counting on rpmnew/rpmsaves?13:50
jwbfor "continuity" reasons13:50
wwoodsf13: right, well - that's a little odd but I don't think we're going to change package CVS f'rinstance13:50
wwoodsso there's some things that aren't going to be changing from 'devel' to 'rawhide'13:51
wwoodsthe baseurl is more user-visible than that, though13:51
f13skvidal: I was going ot count on .rpmsave13:52
skvidalokay so we're just nuking the file in fedora-release13:52
f13skvidal: the new file would be fedora-rawhide.repo so there /shouldn't/ be something to .rpmnew13:52
f13skvidal: yeah, introduce new repo file in fedora-release, change bugzilla entry, change url on mirrors(potentially)13:53
wwoodswhere else have we called rawhide 'development'?13:53
skvidaldo it - throw up a flag on blogs + mailing lists + the update notices (if any)13:53
f13so yeah, making these changes early next week seems apropos13:56
f13any other thoughts about this?  I'll send up some proposals.13:56
wwoodsyeah, make some proposals so we can get other people to find places we might be forgetting about13:57
GeroldKahi all13:58
f13ok, any other business to bring up?13:58
wwoodsIf there's stuff that should really be handled in 0-day updates, let me know13:59
wwoodswe need to prioritise F8Target but I'm not sure there's time to go through and actually set pri/sev on them14:00
wwoodsand people monkey with those anyway14:00
f13well, attacking what's going to land in updates and updates-testing would be good, once they land that is.14:00
wwoodsyeah, use bodhi to karma the important stuff that's there and bug people about what isn't14:00
wwoodsor just give me bug IDs and I'll track it, since that's probably what I'll be doing for the next few days14:01
f13ok, anything else?  tummy monster needs to be fed.14:01
wwoodsF8Target is still 126/391 open14:01
* wwoods done14:01
f13ok, meeting over.  thanks all.14:02

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