From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 13:26, 21 July 2008 by Pcalarco (talk | contribs)

Fedora Weekly News: Work Flow

Work flow for Fedora Weekly News Writers and Editors.

Writing News Beats (Mon - Sat)

Everybody works on News Beats all week long with due date on Sunday 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Upon completion of the beat the beat author changes the status in the Beat Sections Table from "incomplete" to "COMPLETE". This provides an indication to the editorial team that there will be no further updates to the content unless the author notifies the editorial team.

Editorial Passes (Mon)

The editorial team starts copying the contents from beats to live issue page (with editorial pass) and a goal to have a rough draft by Monday morning Eastern Time.

An editorial pass should ideally consist of editing the submissions to conform to the StyleGuide, ensuring that the link references appear to be accurate and fixing up any obvious typos or grammatical errors. Other common corrections include: ensuring that there is no space between a citation in square brackets and the preceding word, making sure the wikinames of mentioned people are correct, and making sure that the list of URL references is separated with a complete newline between each reference.

Submit the News (Mon)

There are two wiki tasks to do to get the news formatted for the next issue: 1) create a new FWN issue page for the upcoming issue 2) update the redirect so that the points to the new issue.

Creating a New Fedora Weekly News Page for the new issue

1. Log into the wiki with your wiki credentials 2. Navigate to where XXX is the upcoming issue number 3. Edit the new page; open a second tab in your browser to /FWN/Beats and copy the source from each COMPLETED beat one after another, into the page edit you have open in the other tab for the upcoming issue; be sure to preserve the section anchors to ensure correct formatting 4. Save the page after you have copied the last beat into the new page

Editing the Redirect to Point to the New Issue

While still logged in to your Fedora Project wiki account, navigate your browser to

Edit the page here to point to the new where XXX is the upcoming issue number. Save the page.

The editorial team submits the weekly news to fedora-announce-list and fedora-news-list around Monday afternoon Eastern Time. This is handled by HuzaifaSidhpurwala, PascalCalarco, or OisinFeely, whomever is available.