From Fedora Project Wiki
< G11N
Fedora globalization meeting with the involvement of l10n, i18n, zanata and fltg groups. You are welcome to join and express if any suggestions.
Time: 0430 UTC
Place: #fedora-meeting on Freenode
Action items
Action items from previous meeting
- smaitra to drop email on UTRRS plan to g11n list and if any help required for same.
- Pravins to update Fedora mentors pages with required information.
- apeter to plan Zanata survey meeting soon.
- noriko will soon send email on Translation Deadline around Beta.
- pravins to ping FPL to add this information in his weekly news.
- pravins to drop email to Fedora council this week.
- apeter will send email on L10N sprints plan to g11n list.
- Upcoming schedule
- [Followup] Zanata feedback survey - Ani
- [Followup] L10N sprints based on F23 - Ani
- [Followup] Translation deadline around Beta - Noriko
- [Followup] G11N Infrastructure (IRC, Wiki and Ticket etc.) - Pravin
- [Followup] G11N FAD - proposal Pravin
- [Followup] FLTG revive plan for Fedora 23 - Ani
- [Followup] UTRRS - Satyabrata
- Minutes =
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