Justin W. Flory | |
Personal information | |
Location: | Rochester, NY |
Birthday: | 05/08/1997 |
Homepage: | http://justinwflory.com |
E-mail: | me [at] justinwflory [dot] com
Fedora-specific information | |
FAS name: | jflory7 |
Fedora e-mail: | jflory7@fedoraproject.org |
Fedora homepage: | jflory7.fedorapeople.org |
Justin W. Flory
Hello, I'm Justin, and I'm a student at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I am majoring in Networking & Systems Administration and intend to graduate in 2019. I started using Linux (and Fedora) in December 2013 - Fedora 20 was my first Linux distribution. Growing up with Apple hardware, I slowly made the transition from OS X to Linux, and now proudly run all of my devices with Linux-based operating systems. I am extremely passionate about free and open-source software and I try to champion it anywhere I can. As part of my time at RIT, I plan to pursue the FOSS Minor as part of my degree.
I'm generally idling somewhere on IRC around the clock, so if you see me, feel free to ping me and say hi!
- Email: me [at] justinwflory [dot] com
- IRC: jflory7
- Common IRC Channels: #fedora, #fedora-commops, #fedora-mktg, #fedora-ambassadors, #fedora-games, #rit-foss
Activities Within Fedora
Being involved with Fedora has always interested me, and I try to get involved where I can. I sometimes assist with wiki cleaning and package tagging, but most of my contributions to the Project are serving as a contributor and editor for the Fedora Magazine and an occasional blog post for Fedora Planet. Additionally, I also spend a good amount of time with the CommOps team and working with them on the latest and greatest for Fedora.
I hope to become an Ambassador in the near future as well!
Activities Outside Fedora
In addition to working on Fedora, I also manage my own Minecraft server network called CrystalCraftMC. I have been running CrystalCraftMC for over three years and spend a lot of time working on adding new features, games, or other fun things to my server for my small community of players. Through my own experiences with running my server, I was introduced to the world of Linux (and subsequently, Fedora)! Elsewhere on the Internet, I am a community moderator for SpigotMC, a free and open-source Minecraft server software. I've been a user there since 2013 and a moderator since early 2014, and I have a large span of knowledge surrounding the Minecraft community as a whole.
At my university, I participate in NextHop (networking club) and RITlug (RIT Linux Users Group), amongst other things. I'm also a coffee fanatic as I am a former barista, and given the proper time and equipment, I pride myself on being able to make a killer cup of coffee. I support Direct Trade Coffee!