From Fedora Project Wiki
Jiří Eischmann
About Me
- studied at University of Economics in Prague and Memorial University of Newfoundland
- between 2004 and 2010 took part in building Opera, Mandriva and Ubuntu communities in the Czech republic
- a member of GNOME Foundation, translating GNOME software
- worked for Red Hat Czech as a Reseach University/Community Manager from March 2011 to January 2015
- now a manager in Red Hat desktop engineering team responsible for applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice, Evolution, Evince, Vinagre, Chromium, Inkscape) and KDE/Qt.
- Fedora ambassador for the Czech republic since May 2011
- FAm mentor since October 2012
- media/swag wrangler for EMEA since November 2011
- FAmSCo member from June 2012 to December 2015, chair of FAmSCo from December 2012 to December 2015.
Contact Info
- email: eischmann redhat com
- Fedora account: eischmann
- IRC nick: sesivany
- Jabber: jiri eischmann cz
- personal website:
- blogs: (work) (personal)
Badges Count: 168
People I mentored
- GNOME 3 Launch Party in Prague - organizing the event - report
- LinuxExpo 2011 - organizing the booth - report
- Linux Tag 2011 - helping at the booth - report
- Fedora 15 Release Party in Brno - organizing the event report
- Openmobility Conference 2011 - helping with organization
- OSS Conf 2011 - just attending
- Desktop Summit 2011 - volunteering and defending our GUADEC candidacy - report
- Software Freedom Day 2011 in Brno - organizing and delivering two talks - report
- FUDCon EMEA 2011 in Milan - attending and giving a talk - report
- LinuxCon Europe 2011 in Prague - running the Red Hat/Fedora booth - report
- LinuxAlt 2011 in Brno - running the Fedora booth, having two talks on RH activities and events for student and the community - report
- Fedora 16 Release Party in Brno - organizing the event - report
- Developer Conference 2012 - organizing the event - report
- InstallFest 2012 in Prague - having a shared talk "Red Hat and Community & Fedora on ARM" with Dan Horák - report
- LinuxWochen Wien 2012 - staffing Red Hat & Fedora booths, having two talks: "Open Source and Students" and "How to Contribute to Fedora".
- LinuxTag Berlin 2012 - staffing a Fedora booth.
- Fedora 17 release party in Brno - main organizer, talk on GNOME 3.4.
- Fedora 17 release party in Košice - main organizer, talk on Fedora community and how to get involved.
- Fedora 17 release party in Prague - main organizer, talk on GNOME 3.4.
- Software Freedom Day 2012 - helping with organization
- LinuxDays 2012 in Prague - staffing a Fedora booth and delivering a talk "How to Contribute to Fedora"
- FUDCon EMEA 2012 in Paris - mainly discussing swag and financial issues
- LinuxAlt 2012 in Brno - staffing a Fedora booth and delivering a talk "How to Contribute to Fedora"
- EMEA FAD 2012 in Rheinfelden - planning events, budget, swag,... for EMEA in 2013 - report