About Me
I work on Instituto Nacional Electoral in Mexico City- since 2007 - as Operator and Sysadmin. Part of my duties are maintain some infrastructural services as Electronic Mail Infrastructure (part of it) and provide virtual and physical, storage and process infrastructure to different main areas from the organization.
I began to use Linux as Operative Systems since College, starting at with Debian and with Fedora core 1, passing from Ubuntu and others, but right now I use Fedora as my base daily work system. I like the IT topics specially Linux and security information topics related.
Future plans
- Enhance Fedora´s presence in Mexico City.
- Practice Security Awareness with all my fellows and all those people interested on it.
- Contribute to spread Fedora use as a daily work system and as stable server plataform.
- Make contributions with other subprojects - especially to artwork and docs!.