- Name: Keerthana Krishnan
- Location: Cochin, India (+5:30 GMT)
- B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering at Govt. Model Engineering College, Cochin
- C, C++, Ruby On Rails, Python, CSS, HTML, JS
- Learning Node.js,PHP
Contact Information
- Freenode IRC Nick: keekri
- Fedora Page : https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Keekri
- Email Address: keekri@fedoraproject.org
- Website : http://www.keerthanakrishnan.in/
- Blog URL: https://cutencrazyindie.wordpress.com/ (old)
- Blog URL: http://thewaterbabe.in/ (new, under construction)
- Github: https://github.com/Keerthana17
- Social Media Accounts:
Questions to answer
Why do you want to work with the Fedora Project?
Fedora has been a great experience. I feel so welcome here. I was barely a week in and very new to the system of being a user/contributor when I got to work for something as important as the F23 release announcement. That was a real morale-booster, more so when experienced contributors give you a pat in the back and tell you that they liked what you did. I also loved the badge system which celebrates little wins. It feels like a lovely family here and I would be privileged to work as an intern for Fedora.
Do you have any past involvement with the Fedora Project or another open-source project as a contributor?
Yes, I've been a Fedora contributor since October 2015. I've helped around in Commops in various capacities, especially in writing
Have you participated in GSoC in the past? If so, what year(s) and which organization(s)?
No, I'm participating for the first time.
Do you plan to continue contributing to the Fedora Project after GSoC? If yes, what sub-project(s) are you interested with?
Yes. I will still continue to work with Fedora Commops and I'd like to expand onto Fedora Websites and Fedora QA which I have been unable to do so far because of my restrictive academic schedule till May
Why should we choose you over other applicants?
Have you contributed to any other open source organizations or projects? If so, do you have artifacts you can show so we can see your skill set(s)?
Yes, I do. I am an Ambassador for ICFOSS