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Fosscon is a Philadelphia event, quite closely tied to our local open source community... specifically the philly linux users group and hive76 (a local and very active hackerspace).

Date and time

August 22, 2015


  • Registration
  • (more updates soon)


1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA


The event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required for attendees, but preferred.

Free Tickets for all

Donation Tickets include some swag: Event T-shirt @ $25 Event Hoodie @$50


Talks for general interest stuff in our larger rooms (there will be two tracks of that) plus hands-on workshops.

[Hive76] is an active participant

Basekamp is a Philly non-profit, which was initially involved in arts and culture here in Philly. Basekamp had a space here for 13 years but is currently space-less. Basekamps purpose is more "open source culture" than "open source software" but over the years we've found interesting ways to work together. This is part of why hive is so closely involved, hackerspaces tend to bring all those things together. Hive76 will have their own workshop space, where they will be covering things like soldering, arduino, and battle-bots (they have a battle-bot assembly class and will be demo-ing their bots in an arena in their workshop space at fosscon)

Booth Staff

The following Fedora Contributors are presenting at FOSSCON

Event volunteers

If you are attending the FOSSCON, please add your name to the list below:


Item Details Budget Actual
Sponsorship $500 $500
Travel/Lodging $200 $200
Media $0 Event Box
Current Total $700
Approved Budget Total $700

Budget Approved at 20150806 FAmNa Meeting

Transportation to and from the event

Arrivals and Departures

Chart for knowing when folks are arriving or departing, by plane, train, car, roller skates, or otherwise.

Who Arrive (Flight-Time / Bus ) Departure (Flight-Time /Bus) Comments Ridesharing?
Corey Sheldon 7am 530 With be around early for mingling or pre-event questions none
Mike DePaulo [Wizard Is Never Late] Whenever I'm not a morning person, OK? But I live in the suburbs. none

Tasks to be done

  • Finalize event box, banners, and Media. Done

kk4ewt thanks for setting this up

  • Coordinate with any other Volunteers?


  • Funding approved. 20150806 FAmna Mtg
  • Transportation / Tickets secured. Confirmed 20150806

Blogs and reports (linuxmodders' Blog) (mikedep333's Blog