About me
I am currently a IIIrd year undergraduate of Computer Science & Engineering, pursuing my Bachelor in B.Tech at University Institute of Engineering & Technology, CSJM University, Kanpur, India. I'm a passionate coder and a FOSS enthusiast. I am fond of traveling, adventurer, foodie and inculcating new interests.
I've started my journey to Open sources since Aug'15 in Mozilla currently active as a Contributor. Now I have been introduced to Fedora by Sylvia Sanchez taking a font workshop. I am still quite a learner.
Name: Amit Kumar Jaiswal
Email: amitkumarj441@gmail.com
LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Telegram: @amitkumarjaiswal
Facebook: /amitkumar.jaiswal
Skype: amitkumarja
GTalk: amitkumarj441@gmail.com
Twitter: @amit_gkp
Telephone: +91-8081187743
Country of Residence: India
Timezone: India(UTC+05:30)
Primary Language: English
Native Language: Hindi
Webpage: https://about.me/ajaiswal
Development Work
Take a look at my GitHub Codebase