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Revision as of 07:49, 12 May 2016 by Kparal (talk | contribs) (polish the test case)

Data loss possible
Don't test upgrades on your production machine. Make sure all your important data is backed up. Bugs can occur and destroy all your data.


This test verifies how you can upgrade your Workstation graphically from Fedora 23 to Fedora 24 using GNOME Software


  1. Make sure you are running Fedora 23 Workstation with a decent internet connection.

How to test

  1. Enable COPR repo with latest gnome-software:
    $ sudo dnf copr enable rhughes/f23-gnome320
  2. Fully update your system:
    $ sudo dnf update
  3. Reboot
  4. Look for ~/.cache/gnome-software/3.20/upgrades/fedora.json file. If you don't see it, start GNOME Software a wait a bit, it should appear. If you still don't see it, try running:
    $ pkcon refresh force
    You should see it now.
  5. Edit the file and search for f24 string - you'll find a section related to Fedora 24. Change status key from Under Development value to Active value. This will convince GNOME Software that Fedora 24 is now a stable release and enable upgrade prompts. After the change, the section will look similarly to this (probably not exactly, at least the timestamps can be different):
    "allow_retire": true,
    "branchname": "f24",
    "date_created": "2016-02-23 22:57:55",
    "date_updated": "2016-02-25 20:39:53",
    "dist_tag": ".fc24",
    "koji_name": "f24",
    "name": "Fedora",
    "status": "Active",
    "version": "24"
  6. Shortly you should see a system notification announcing available system upgrade. If you don't see it, try rebooting the computer or logging out and in again.
  7. Click the banner, it should open up GNOME Software in the Updates tab, where you should see a larger banner informing about the upgrade.
  8. Click Learn more link to see release notes.
  9. Download the upgrade files. It should be happening in the background, you should be able to close GNOME Software or go to other tabs in GNOME Software without interrupting it.
  10. Wait for a notification that the download is complete.
  11. In the Updates tab in GNOME Software, confirm performing the upgrade.
  12. Wait until your computer reboots into "offline upgrade" mode, perform the upgrade, and automatically reboots back into newly upgraded system.
  13. Verify that the system is upgraded and basic functionality works correctly.

Expected Results

  1. You should be notified that a newer Fedora release is available.
  2. You should see a banner about it in the Updates tab in gnome-software.
  3. You should be able to display the release notes.
  4. Downloading the upgrade should happen in the background.
  5. You should see a notification when the download is complete.
  6. Installing the update should work just like an offline update, in the "offline upgrade" mode after reboot
  7. There should be warnings if you had RPMs installed before the upgrade that would be broken by the upgrade (e.g. 3rd party software).